i. valerie brown

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" Welcome to my audio again! I bet you hate hearing my voice again, since I was just this perfect little girl that everyone hated, am I right? "

I loved you, Betty Cooper. Archie thought, as his mind wandered on the thought of Betty. Last night at Pop's shocked the whole town especially when the Blue and Gold published an article regarding the audio files. It was supposed be an intimate thing between the people that were a part of Betty's life. Well, its modern society, am I right? Where there is zero intimacy between relationships or groups? He had to accept it because if he didn't he'll lose his mind.

" If you're back from the previous tapes, you know that Valerie Brown is one of the reasons why I died. Let me tell you the story of the original B and V..."

BATCH 2013-2014

Betty Cooper and Valerie Brown had been known as the inseparable duo of Riverdale High. They didn't really have to be River Vixens to be known, all they had to do was roam the halls together. They've been known as "B+V" throughout the friendship. Nobody saw Cheryl and Jason Blossom as the unstoppable duo instead, Betty and Valerie were. Back during these days, you can see Cheryl being the one wanting the attention, often dragging herself to create a group with the two.

"Betty! Val! I reserved a table for us at the cafeteria, it's been a purge out there." Cheryl forced herself to the crowd of high school students dining at the school cafeteria. For some reason, the cafeteria was full. When they said full, they're not exaggerating.

"Oh, Cheryl, hi! We'll be eating by the field today. It's me and Betty's thing, I hope you understand." Valerie respectfully declined Cheryl's offer.

This made Cheryl's wide grin turn upside down into a vengeful frown. She hated being declined and underestimated. "In a few years, you'd want to sit on that table with me," Cheryl whispered under her breath after the two faded into the crowd.

As per usual, the two sat the eastern side of the field. They talked and talked, it made you wonder if they ever lose stories to talk about. From the first second they catch up at the dry halls of Riverdale High, they start to chat and it ends when they finally felt tired. Alice Cooper feared that her daughter was no longer socializing because of how tight the two were. "Mom, it's just that she knows me better than anyone else and she makes me feel comfortable even with my anxiety."

She hated how she was scared about her daughter's anxiety. She feared that one day, like her, they'll treat her like she's trash or she's someone weak. So every chance she could, she would build Betty up for times where she needed to toughen up. She never wanted to be tough on her but she had to. But she was happy that at least her daughter had someone to lean on that accepts her for all her perfections and flaws. But every friendship has its flaking period right? In this case, it came too early for the anxious Betty Cooper.

" The end to that history was well-known to the students of Riverdale High. It was the school's biggest gossip  for at least a year or two because I briefly remember having to take anxiety medication for about two years. Well, there's your new scoop, Blue and Gold. Go ahead, write a piece about the girl-next-door's obsession with pills after her friendship goes down in burning flames. Well I guess you're off to the next reason, K.K. "

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