x. veronica lodge

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"V! You know we should get those magnolia cupcakes you brought me before for the birthday bash of the ye-okay I'm clearly disturbing sorry." She looked away from the sight of her raven-haired best friend locking lips with the fiery red-headed quarterback.

The sight of the blonde girl-next-door startled the two as the blonde continued to walk away at a brisk pace. "Betty! Wait, I can explain."

She did not dare look back at any of the explanations of the raven-haired. "Betty, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you, we promised that we wouldn't let a guy get between B and V right?"

She scoffed, "Well, guess what? You just did. And this, B and V thing, it's never going to last if we keep hurting each other."

"But Betty, you've given me this wonderful chance to change everything. My mistakes and the wrongs I've committed to others. Please don't let me see myself as this self-preserving bitch again."

"I'm sorry but I just don't want to get hurt again. I'm tired of seeing myself get hurt over and over again." She wiped the tears from her eyes and walked away.

Archie caught up and was rejected by Veronica, so he went and tried to comfort Betty. The scene felt all too familiar for the both of them.

The sky reflected the darkness as it shone with the stars. The cool breeze moving through the emerald and tangerine-hued leaves of the trees. A girl next door standing in front of the school's quarterback on the entrance of her suburban home. Both beautified with formal outfits that suit themselves. But, the two share a melancholy look as the other hurts the broken.

"Can't you see, Archie? We're back at square one and we're showing zero progress. It's the world telling us that our friendship might deserve a break." Her voice was cracking and every time it cracked, it became a dagger shot at his heart.

"No, Betty. This can't be it. Please don't do this to me." He was on the verge of telling her the one thing that she wants but he was afraid. "Betty...I...I–"

"Goodbye Archie."

Her voice echoed as the darkness howled at him. The darkness swallowing him. "I love you Betty." He whispered at the refreshing breeze as she stood there on the heavy concretes of the road a few meters away from where the redhead sat on, quietly wishing that she could've done something or she could take back what she had done.

OCTOBER 3, 2019
3:45 P.M.

"Veronica! Veronica, Veronica Lodge. Hey!" She shook herself from reimagining the last night she'd seen her best friend. It was hard to just stand there and do nothing.

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" She politely asked and offered a soft smile. "Girl, you're missing out on the designers for our prom dresses! You got me babbling over what designs and brands to choose from, Ronnie. Are you okay?"

That sweet tone haunts her. That very night, she heard the sweet tone turn into something that was broken. And now, she's been hearing it all over again.

"Um, yeah. It's just you know we're finally having our prom, like in every high school movie there's one making you think you'd have it every year. Or maybe I'm just crazy?" She herself babbled, making the now-recovered Carmen laugh.

"So since the theme is like '50s golden age meets 90s heroin chic' so we can go Elie Saab and add some Alexander Wang. And V, don't worry, I'm voting you for Prom Queen." She gave her a look and that look told her that she's there for her.

She missed that feeling. She missed having someone to be there when you entirely feel like you've melted way down that you're in bedrock. She missed sneaking out with Betty to talk about their relationship and basically everything. She missed having to share milkshakes with her, if she'd forgotten to bring her own money to buy her own. Now that she's gone, she feels like a piece of her is gone. But fate had its way to give her a new chance to make up for what she did through Carmen.

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