v. josie mccoy

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"So you spend most of your days here?" Carmen asked. She preferred everyone to call her Carmen rather than Lorelai, "Yeah, we met everyone here so it just made sense that we'll hang out here. " Archie replied, observing her intently.

"Um, Carmen. Are you somehow related to the Coopers?" Jughead needed the answers or else, he'd dig for it by himself.  

"You mean like Hal and Alice's family? Yeah, I'm their godchild. Why do you ask?" She smiled, making everyone's eyebrows rise in synchronization.

"So Alice knows you? " Kevin asked, "Just like I said, yes. I'm their godchild." she giggled after her reply.

"Were you close with Polly...a-and Betty?"

"I-I don't know this Betty you're talking about nor this Polly you speak of? Should I know them?" She looked at everyone, cluelessly. They knew that there was something weird going through.

Let's have a run through, so how can the godchild of Alice and Hal Cooper not know her cousins?

"Your cousin, Betty, just died a few weeks ago. To suicide." Veronica broke the news while Carmen was obviously flabbergasted. She never had the chance to meet her at all, she even didn't know she had a cousin!

"and she sent us 13 reasons why she killed herself." Jughead added, Carmen had this look in her face that she wanted to leave. "I...I, Can I listen to it, with you guys?"

They all shared a look and nodded altogether. Cheryl brought out the iPod out and played the fifth clip. It all began with a static.

Hey, it's Betty. Betty Cooper. I know you're just dragging yourself to finish these tapes and I'm sorry. Don't worry once you're done, you won't get to hear it anymore.

Carmen didn't know how to react to the audio files because one, she never knew her and two, it's too depressing. But deep inside her, there's something that was familiar with this.

I'm going straightforward to this thing because you, too, were straightforward when you tried to ruin me. Josie McCoy, this one's for you. Let's take it back to the same year me and Chuck were dating. You grew jealous because Chuck never liked you and it made everything worse for you because he liked the girl-next-door. Look, I never really wanted to date him because he was toxic. I-I just don't know what made you like him. Then, you decide to invite me to your party and have me drink a spiked punch. A few days later, you tell my mom I've been drinking and drinking. You made my mom send me to my estranged aunt down in Tennessee for a year. You know what I had to go through there? No I won't tell you because you feeling any pity will have no use at all. I, I just cant find the reason why I could really forgive you. I mean, taking my best friend away then ruining the most important year in Riverdale. I could've helped you get Chuck.

Then it cuts back to silence, catching Carmen silent. " I'm sorry for your loss, I have to go." She rushed as she exited the booth while Jughead followed her. But before she could fully exit Pop's, Alice and Carmen's path crosses.

Alice sees Carmen, with a shocked expression on her face. Carmen looked at her with a weird expression, Jughead just froze behind along with the others. As tears roll off Alice's face, her hands reaches out for Carmen. "I-I'm sorry, you might have the wrong person."

"Yo-you're Betty. How, how could this be possible? I don't care anymore, I'm just happy you're alright and alive. " Carmen ran away while Alice stood there, bawling. Jughead and Veronica followed her until they reached her house. They see Hal's familiar silhouette not too far away. He was talking to someone and Carmen kisses the cheeks of the woman and the man Hal talking to.

They didn't pursue to continue following because they had what they needed already.

This was the new mystery in Riverdale and it's not like those other ones.


The next day came and they all see Carmen smoking with a tall figure, probably from the football team because of the jersey.

Jughead didn't know why but after they followed Carmen yesterday, he no longer wanted to force her to be Betty. It was obvious that she wasn't her. Everyone can't or won't move on that Betty's dead. There was nothing they could do about it, anymore. Everyone kept saying that they could've been there but guess what, there was nothing they could do about because she's dead.

"We saw Hal talking to Carmen's, or Betty's, new parents–" Jughead cut Veronica off, "V, you know I love you, but can you just move on! Betty's dead and there's nothing you can do about it. Your words can never bring her back, so stop. It would be magic if ever Carmen is really Betty, you know that?" With a blink, Jughead was lost in the crowd.

Veronica walked through the halls, sulking. She knew that Jughead was somehow speaking the truth.

"Veronica! Veronica Lodge!" Veronica heard someone call out, "Hey, you're the one going to give me and my sister the Riverdale High tour right?" It was Carmen and her brother, in front of her.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." she answered shortly, "and I'm sorry about your Aunt Alice yesterday, she's just having a hard time from the death of her daughter, Betty. I hope you understand." she replied in a flat tone.

"It's okay, Uncle Hal and Aunt Alice went by our home yesterday and talked things over. We're all good, now. Don't worry. But I do really want to be your friend, still." Carmen shared the same smile Betty had, but Veronica had to remove that idea from her head after what Jughead just said. "I'd really love to be your friend, Carmen."

This will give me a new chance to make it up, she thought.

"This is my brother Jason. Jason Smith." she introduced, while the three of them went on the tour.

The tapes were back as their main concern. And they had to keep in mind that Carmen is different than Betty. They had to move on.

heya guys!!
wOoOooO im back at being lazy as hell with the content of today's chapter :""---)) i really didn't focus on the reason bc i see how important it is to see how the gang responds to Carmen's mysterious arrival to the even more mysterious town of Riverdale. So by the next chapter it will contain balance between the tape and the ongoing thing with Carmen and probably some other things in that town.

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