ii. kevin keller

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Hey it's Riverdale's girl-next-door, Betty Cooper. You're 11 steps nearer to finish this unbearable screeching to your ears so congrats. For the second reason, it's about my other best friend.

Everyone froze at the mention of the words best friend since nobody was ready for their audio file yet. It was too soon for all of them but they braced themselves for the upcoming events.

Becoming friends with you is the most cliche thing, you know? the best friend that everyone wants. They even made a movie about those of your kind. Still, it was great how you were there for me after my disastrous best friend breakup. I felt like I wasn't alone again, I had someone yet like everybody else on the files, you killed me.

You killed me, those words stayed in their heads as they try to keep their composures at Pop's. They all shared a look and it was about time when she reveals about who this file was for.

I missed being your friend, Kevin, I really do. But the moment Veronica arrived, I became nobody. Well, probably not a nobody but simply a bystander.

After this, they all heard a clash of glass behind the audio and the familiar voice of a fellow Cooper. " Your daughter is insane! The medications you give her is not helping her. You should've sent her at the Institute rather than Polly!"

Veronica suddenly wanted to create a time machine so that she could've helped her get through this abuse she's getting from Hal. She just wanted to slap Hal for what he was doing to his wife and kids. Hell, her daughter's even pregnant...with twins! But this wasn't about him, it was about Kevin, sweet sweet Kevin.

Kevin, the blame is not fully yours, don't worry. I mean, I fell for the spell of Veronica Lodge too. But our differences is that I still stood by you. Do you remember when Mr. Johnson caught you vandalizing the guys' bathroom? I saved you from getting suspended. But when I needed you for Archie's sixteenth birthday, you weren't there to save me from those cops that placed me in that cell for 16 straight hours. I had to answer to my parents why I snuck out at 11:45 at night then end up in jail! God, did you care less the next day. You asked me if I was okay, and when I told you I wasn't, you just gave me puppy eyes then went forward with your adventures with those who just came out of the closet. Look, I know you having a hard time being the sheriff's gay son. But how about me? I'm an anxious perfect girl-next-door of this shitty town with parents who think I'm my sister. I lost my identity the day they sent Polly to that Institute because I became their Polly. Your father even accepted the day you came out to him when he went sent as a respondent to that major case downtown.

Jughead had his thoughts in a place where his Betty was still beside him at the Twilight Drive-In. He would stroke her hair gently as she spoke off her and Polly's childhood. It soothed him to imagine her in this precious phase while he had struggled protecting his sister, Jellybean, while their parents would often fight. Her childhood was what he wanted for his sister but their mother brought her with her, leaving him behind with their alcoholic father. But now that the truth has come out, it ruined his ideology of a perfect childhood because that one girl he believed was the book definition of perfection. He felt how she probably felt when she discovered the real situation of Polly from her father.

God, I'm sorry. I'm starting to be a little aggressive regarding personal matters. It's just painful to have a friend who neglects someone's call for help. You could've helped me. I'm really sorry Kev. Im sorry. You deserve to be out there not stuck with me. You'll still be my queen bee, love you.

For some reason, they all envisioned this image of Betty smiling as she wiped her tears. She laughs as her tears continued to flow. It somehow felt assuring that in this audio, she ended it with a smile even if it was just a small one.

"I'm just going to that music workshop, downtown." Archie excused himself and left. Well, it's Archie, of course he has to have to go to a music thing.

Veronica noticed that there was something off with Jughead. He just sat there and wandered off in this place Veronica wanted to be a part of. " Ronnie, we have to meet up with Keller."

They rushed outside and headed for Kevin. Once they reached their house, Veronica pulled Jughead's arm to stop him. She knew that he might want to hurt Kevin but he looked at her like he went there for a good reason. She knocked at the door for Jughead, who stood silently. She feared for him and what this loss might cause him.

They hear a familiar voice speak, "Come in," with a somber tone. Kevin stood by the old murder board. "Hey," he said while a sheepish smile was painted on his fave. " So, I heard the tapes and I'm sorry. I could've been there. " His gaze from the two friends moved to the murder board.

"We all could've been there, Kevin. But, we are all shitty friends that live in shitty town. People in this town could cared less if a serial killer lived in this place." Jughead blurted, releasing his in-depth anger. He hated how he could've consoled her through all this. He sensed it before, but he still ignored the signs she was giving off. " Hey, Jones. Let's walk outside, let those unspoken feelings out, it helps." Kevin gestured Veronica to stay to which she nodded to. She knew he needed a way of expressing the feelings he kept hiding inside.

Kevin walked with Jughead by the woods around their home. It was serene just what he needed. He needed this, to give his mind peace, but then they heard a whisper near the pathway to the main town. They hid by the bushes when they heard someone screaming at their phone. " So you're telling me that there's trouble with the papers?! Do you want the suspicious people of this mad town to know about what we're doing here! Fix this or I'll shoot you right in the head you idiot! "

It was Hal Cooper, talking aggressively to someone who is at least suspicious. Jughead and Kevin shared a look, they knew something was up. "Your father needs to know about this thing about Betty's father! He could have something dangerous that he's hiding. We can't end up losing another friend, Kev."

They went back to the house, with heavy breaths. "Oh shit, what happened out there?" She stood up with her furrowed brows, "There's something suspicious with Mr.Cooper. I don't what it is but we should stop it before you know. To avoid another murder mystery."

She looked at them with sincere disbelief, "The man just lost his daughter, for God's sakes. Give the guy a benefit of the doubt," Veronica gawked at them. Jughead rolls his eyes because he knew that she'd probably act that way. But he knew they had to do something. "Who would threaten someone over the phone that they'd kill them if papers aren't fixed?" Kevin snapped back.

Veronica was caught up in her own benefit of the doubt. She knew that Hal Cooper didn't deserve anything after making Betty's life a living hell. "Maybe. Okay, fine. We'll find out what that Cooper is doing. If he does something that can hurt or affects anybody around our circles, he better be ready to meet the metals of American jail cells. "

A sheepish smile crept in Kevin's face because he knew that this can help Betty through finding justice for someone who needs it. But maybe he can bring justice for her.

Jughead was ready to be back. He knew that maybe or somehow Mr. Cooper was behind Betty's death. He didn't know why but he had a weird feeling. If they find nothing, then probably he'll find his closure.

okay im really excited for the up and coming chapters bc something's up with that town. watch out for some other clues in the future chapters !!

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