✎ jughead

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it's been a good 19 days since you left and i don't know whether i'm doing much better than the others. but, there's a new girl, Carmen Smith, and she reminds me of you. everyone is reminded of you because of her. and she's demonstrating how you'd probably look like if you're brunette but i have to say, being blonde is still better. i'm writing to a long-gone girlfriend/best friend because i missed you.

you're the only one i can trust with everything, bets. i missed seeing your sky blue eyes as it reflected your beautiful and blissful soul. the way you smiled, the way your lips curve to create this piece of art. i missed holding your hand as it drizzled in this serene town. i'm scared to lose my mind, betty. i'm scared to let myself acknowledge that you're really gone, because i believe you're still alive but somewhere that's not with me.

i blame myself why you're gone, why you had to die. i hate how i now use 'could've' or 'should've' too much because i really could've been there when i should have been there. i let you down but they say you're somewhere better, but are you really? i mean, how about us? don't you think we deserve to be somewhere better too?

don't worry, i'll try my best to be the sane one to keep everyone away from drowning. i wont let myself allow someone to drown like you did, it's time that someone saves them. but, you'll always in my heart.

i'll never forget you and everything there is to you, Elizabeth Cooper. i know i dont tell you this much when you were here, but i love you. i hope you're, finally, at peace.


hey guys !!
so i decided to have this letter / text things for the gaps between some chapters so we get to see their perspectives during this mission for the crew to solve. so for this chapter's letter, its jughead.

i know that jughead is meant to be an asexual aromantic person but give your girl some of the ship she deserves okay?

plus, the next person is hard to create a file bc there's no interaction between them in the show and i have to create that from scratch and create the story of carmen and her mysterious connection to riverdale.

so yeah! tune in for the next person on the audio files.

niks !¡

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