My Life

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(This is what I look like. By the way that thing covering my neck and mouth is my incredibly log scarf)

I led down on my warm and comfortable bed; staring up at my childish space themed looking ceiling that has been there since I moved here. And you know what? I fucking love it. I always get so giddy just looking up at it, it reminded me so much about my childhood and how much I love space and stars.

I've been staring up at it for quite some time forgetting what I originally came into my bedroom for. Regaining my senses, I stood up onto the small, messy floor; smothered in clothes, teddy bears, pieces of pens and rubbish in different areas of my room.
Reluctantly, I made my way out of my bedroom leading onto the upstairs landing where I saw my friend Leo. I was going for my uh... (cough cough) KNIFE!
Walking back into my bedroom I regrettably stood on top of EVERYTHING surrounding my floor. I stretched my hand under my set of drawers; taking out a wooden knife and sliding it up my sleeve before I swiftly exited my bedroom.
I nodded towards Leo to indicate that I grabbed the knife and that we should leave before my mother made me do something. Stealing me of the precious time I had with my friends. Leo nodded at me with his red coloured eyes glowing with joy. Leo trailed behind me. I shouted to my mother "I'LL BE HOME AROUND HALF SEVEN!". She replied "DON'T BE LATE OR YOU'LL BE GROUNDED!" With that I headed out of the house with Leo who was just ahead of me. I shut the door and faced Leo, he had blonde-brown coloured hair which was everywhere in a bundle of mess and had brown red coloured eyes. "Have you got it?" he whispered impatiently towards me , hinting towards the fact I had a knife. I gave him a shuttle nod. He whispered and moved closer to me, "can I have it now?" He asked impatiently. I shook my head and told him to keep walking. "Once we pass the end of the street, I'll hand it to you" I smiled towards him.
"Old or new?" I questioned him. He looked over to me and then looked over to the area where the old park was and started to make our way there.

As soon as we got to our well hidden place, behind the blown up park (which literally blew up). Everything had been cleared up. Only trees surround the area now along with a horse field behind it and the town in front of the wrecked park. Between the horse field and the old park was a fence and a lot of trees. Somewhere in the trees lay a little open area which I proclaimed was our little cabin. We made our way to a tree which had carvings engraved all over. "Can I have it now?" Leo asked looking over to me; then glancing at the pocket which held the knife. "OH FUCK IT... here, have it" I said annoyed. I stuck my hand into my pocket and grabbed the helm of the knife and passed it to him. "Just dont thro-" before I could finish my sentence he lobbed the knife right in front of him. As soon as his hand let go of the knife I looked over to him and stared to give him a death stare. In return he gave a petrified grin.
"sorry" He said innocently shooting his hands up in the air begging for mercy.
I ignored his plea of apology and his look for mercy; I walked over and swept up the knife from the ground and threw it at the circle carved on the old tree. Somehow I managed to throw the knife dead into centre. Leo looked at me in surprise, his eyes wide open full of astonishment. "That was bloody AWESOME! Why aren't I that good yet?" He said amazed. His face dropped to the ground and created a sad expression. I walked over to him and leaned on his shoulder. "That's why I've been training you dumb ass" I smiled, pulling him into a head lock. "Not again! Please let me go!" He pleaded, I sniggered "Come on, MAKE me!" I said to him, provoking him a little. I tightened my grip on him. Listening to my words he barged his elbow into my gut which caused me to loosen my grip but I weren't hurt.
"see, you're getting there" I smiled at him. He gave me an even bigger smile in return. I hugged him.
" Fifty push ups!" I said. He looked up at me with a lazy expression."Nope a hundred" I looked down at him happily and full of energy. I heard him grunt.

After half an hour of doing exercise. Me and Leo both heard what we thought were gunshots and police sirens. Petrified, he dropped the knife. I dropped my metal bar and we bolted as fast as we could for my house. Even though we could still hear the gunshots firing, we managed to have fun dodging the trees at such a fast speed with ease. We ran straight to my house after getting out of the old park. "Mom were going to my room!" I shouted to my mother. Lightning speed, I took off my shoes and ran to my bedroom with Leo fairly close behind me.

We sat on my small bed which was full of teddy bears until Leo threw all of them off.
I stared at him "what the hell!" I said angrily. He gave me an innocent look.
"well that was scar-" as I was
Speaking I heard my dog Mia barking at the front door. Irritated I got up from my bed and walked over to the door; opening it.
"Is Leo there?" I looked at her. She had the same coloured hair as Leo and the same coloured eyes. I nodded at her. I looked back at my door where Leo was standing. "Leo, its your mother" I said to him. He moaned walking down the stairs.
"Yes mom?" He said as he looked up at his mom.
"you've got to come home now sweetie" she said softly. He looked down at the ground and then agreed. He put on his trainers and walked away with his mother; waving me goodbye. "strange" I thought. "she never comes to pick him up herself. She usually calls him" I shrugged it off and immediately went to pack my things. I was staying over my friend Sapphire's house today, so might as well get ready I thought to myself.

~ later ~
I was waiting near the round located near the bottom of my town. Waiting for saph's mom to come pick me up in that little blue car of hers. (do not ask me what type of car I have no idea what so ever). I looked over to two trees which caught my eye and realised they had bullet holes embedded in them it. Looking around the area some more. I saw that the roundabout itself had a load of tire tracks along the grass. I guess the gun shots came from here I thought to myself. I sat down on the bench waiting for saph's mom to pick me up. My parents had gone away for three days and I was going to spend one of the days over my friends. since I am 15 and apparently not old enough to stay home by myself. but nevertheless, I was going to spend the last two days, literally home alone... at least I get to spend a day with my friend saph... I thought to myself. Sadly Leo is out on a family trip so I won't be able to see him until my parents and his parents come home. Sighing, I stared up at the sky until Saphs mom came to pick me up.

I sat in her luminous blue car in the back with Saph in the front. "You hear the gun shots from earlier?" Saph said. I looked up at her in confusion. "how did you hear it?" I asked curiously. "It reached all the way from here to my place" She looked over to me worried "Anyone get hurt?" she asked. I replied honestly "I don't know but I hope not" I said wearily. After that I looked out of the window for the rest of the journey whilst Saph and her mother talked about things, I don't really know what they were talking about since I just blocked them out for the rest of trip.

"Were here" Saphs mom said to me. I snapped out of my trance to realise we were already at her house.
Saph giggled at me.
"You were asleep dummy" she poked my shoulder. "Was I really asleep?" I ignored the fact I fell asleep. I made my way to sapphires bedroom. sighing, I lay my things at the bottom of her bed and sat on her massive window sill that had an epic view of the mountains. people don't usually go up there because of the horses. I guess that one guy was either new or stupid I stared into the mountains and noticed someone with a white hoody just running across the mountain being chased be three horses. Laughing my ass off. I fell off the window sill.

I wonder who he or she was. "Come on down Luna, a films about to start" Saph said to me; hinting towards the fact she wanted to watch boss baby. I came down to watch the movie with Saph and her mom.

(This is my life everyone; very, very random...)

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