My new life

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It didn't take us very long to get to the so called 'base'. The woman who had led me to the place soon left as I walked in. I arrived at a nerdy fucking comic store (no offence). We headed straight towards the basement of the building; faced by a humongous iron door! We past the door and ended up in what seemed to be 'maze like' shaped area with many rooms. I quickly became bored and frustrated due to the fact nothing interested me here and there was nothing to do although My aspiration was to become a detective, I just couldn't handle all the stupid and annoying meaningless papers detectives are usually held up on.

I followed a woman into a room in which she further exclaimed was mine. The door was exactly like every other door; big enough to fit a medium sized person, it was a dark and gloomy coloured silver which was the same for the rest of the doors in this depressing place. She opened the door with a key card and put in the passcode which was 200282 then shoved the key card in her back pocket. She opened the door and singled me to enter, I walked past her and entered the room; the same time sneaked the key card swiftly up into my sleeve. I stood in the middle of the room; jumping out of my skin! I turned around to see the woman slammed the door shut and locked it without so much as a warning. I saw her type the passcode 215 to lock the door. "LET ME OUT YOU BITCH! I screamed as loud as I could so she would surely here me and possibly become deaf. "Sorry honey, you've got to stay here. Your room mate will arrive in about an hour or two" she said with a creepy smile and walking away. She fucking left me in here alone bitch I thought to myself angrily. You can probably tell I was very pissed off! For being locked in here bye an arrogant BITCH! (Melissa). I sighed to myself in frustration and started to pace around in my new cell. Everything in this place was so old ancient and unclean, I decided to rip up my dark red pillow cover and use THAT for dusting this filthy place! I guessed it took me near enough TWO FREAKING HOURS! To clean every individual thing.

My cell was much like a flat. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, one living room and one kitchen. In one of the bedrooms lay my Xbox and nothing else in the other. The walls were completely white. Actually everything! Was white, even the bed and TV not to mention the kitchen. The only thing that wasn't white was the pillow covers, which I hapily cut up and used to clean with. I hate being left alone, being left alone just gives me the feeling of abandonment or that I'm unwanted.

I swear I'll go crazy! If I'm not aloud out soon or at least have a little company. I'm not going to go crazy, I won't go crazy I thought to myself as I slithered towards the door. No harm trying again Is it? I said to myself as I walked closer to the door.
I am not going down without a fight at least.
I started punching the fuck out of the door.
thank god I am used to hitting trees, otherwise i'd be crying within my frist punch.
Everyone around me who felt my fists, told me that I have unnateral and powerful strength - even if I just nudge them it would hurt. So that's why I spend a lot of my time trying to control my strength and training.
Because I spend a lot of my time lazing about in my house I can't really run unless I'm either shit scared or in the mood to run. So if I actually get into a fight I don't have to worry about running of because I know how to fight so I'd easily win.

I started to punch the door a lot harder until someone, who looks like they been here for a week. He looks in his late teens. Two years older than me give or take. Shoulder length, silkey black hair.
He had a fancy working suit with a black shirt underneath his unturned and unbuttoned shirt. I couldn't see the rest of him because there was only a small windows on the door.

I took a closer look in through the doors window and I accidentally got lost in his sky blue eyes.

I couldn't help but to stare into his eyes - it felt like I was being pulled in to the endless abyss of crystal water. They were so soft and delicate, I thought even looking at them would cause them to shatter into a million pecies.

I continued to look deeply in his eyes for minuets on end.

I didn't really realise that he was staring stright back at me with rosy cheeks.
"Hay you ok?"He said from the other side of the door.
As soon as I realised what I was doing - I looked away and blushed like a tomato.
"Y.yes I'm fine just...lonely.."I looked at him sad.
"I would come in but I don't have the password or key card." He said looking off into the distance.
"What's your name?"I said to him.
"Well It's Jeffery and yours?"He looked back at me.
"Well my friends call me Lad" I smiled at him "also the code is 200282"
"And how is it that you know this?" He said as he put the code in.
"I saw the lady put it in" I took a step back whilst the door open and he stepped through the door and I tackled him into a massive hug. FINALLY SOMEONE'S HERE!

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