A New Roommie

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After i hugged Jeffery he explained to me that he was my guard or something to protect me.
He said that it was literal top secret thing that he was watching me and protecting me and since there was one massive bed we agreed that I'd have one half and he'd have the other. As embrrasing as it is I don't really care.

He's been my literal roomie for a week now.When ever someone comes here to refill the fridge, he hid. And when someone came to get me so I be like home school but it only lasted three hours. In such short time I do learn some cool things like shooting a gun, taking one apart and re-asemble together, self defence, things like that. It is so cool.

Then on the nights I usually face the wall and he'd face me whilst we sleep but sometime I'd wake up either facing him or in his arms. It kinda gets awkward if he wakes up first.
I'd try and talk to him, but as soon as I get into personal questions he'd either go quiet or tell me to shut up.

Me and Bunny (that Jeffery nickname)were out in the blank room and he was teaching me dodging techniques,  since I'd take the hit or usually be the one hitting.
He said that even though I can take a great deal of damage - it'll help if I was able to dodge

He leaped at me for an attack and I pounced at him. We rolled across the floor and landed at the other side of the room.
" and your defence is off bunny" I hugged him and he blushed again. Still the same old cute face I thought to myself nuzzling into his chest as I lay ontop of him.
"LAD?"I heard someone call me from the living room. In a panic I ran out as Bunny followed and hid under our bed in the bedroom.
I came into the living room to find Jana there.
"I think your ready now, follow me" he left the room and kept the door open.

Start of flash back-

"When you get better at sertain. Things I'll allow you to actually work here...or at lest help with things" he said as he was showing me around the halls.
I stopped in place and looked at him.
" I get to help with the experiments around here..and work on cases?" I said trying to keep the discust out of my voice for the first part.
" yes, you have already taken part in some cases...but soon you'll be in it fully" he cupped my cheek with his hand. I blushed a little but managed to get my face out of his hand.
"Today you'll be learning about drugs."
He said and I shot a grimmising look at him
" seriously I know not to do drugs"
He chuckled at my response.
"Not that type of drugs, I mean tear gas,  chlorine, magnesium and what you can do with it"
I gave him and oooo~ look and followed him into a science room.
End of flash back~
I followed him out of the room into the dark hallway, usually full of people...but now completely empty.
"Where is everyone?" I asked him but no reply. He just kept walking. To be honest I don't want to leave Bunny but I have no choice. If I said I wanted to stay there he would've thought something was going on. And in all reality- there was.

I followed him for an hour now and I have not still seen anyone else here at all.
I tried to ask him questions but he just answered me by walking ahead faster and faster leading me somewhere.

Now I've followed him for 30 min more and he finely stopped outside a double door with a key pad and a card swiper thing. That's strange...All other doors here were single and with only the card swiper next to it...well mine had both but still a single door.
"This is called the C.P project. And I want you to be one of the leaders of it along with me" I looked at him a little astonished and happy.
"Through these door is all the subjects we've cough and still finding out what they truly are" he gave me a key card with the numbers 121001-1638303-37kmk
"The first 6 is the code"
He then gave me a pile of books out of no where.
"Go back to your room..Under the sink in the kitchen is pens and pencils and so on. Fill these put by tomorrow mid day" he said as he turned off and walked away.'ok now the problem is to find my way back...but I want to look through it' I turned to the door and edged closer to it.
"Look inside you dead" Jana's voice rung out through the hall way. I turned to look at him. He had his gun out and pointed at me.
Not wanting to get shot a, I turned and started walking back to my room...flat? I don't know.
It took me an hour to get back to my room.
I re-opened the door with my new key card and entered the room.
Somehow I managed to get to the plain room without falling and braking my neck.
I placed all the book and looked around for Bunny.
He was just sat in the corner with his arms and feet crossed looking a little angry at me.
"oh hush puppy, he's thinking of hiring me" I said to him.
"You don't sound happy?"
"It's because I get involved in...experiments..and also become one of the leaders of the C.P project." I said with my eyes wondering to the corners of the room avoiding eye contact with Bunny.
He had a stern look on his face and had anger in his voice.
" these people are sick...and they are experimenting on my friends" looked over at him.
"I'll set them free..."I said smiling.
His face glowed like never before.
"I'll end the C.P project" I hugged him and he hugged back in pure joy.
"But first I need to complete these books" I said looked at the pile of books he handed to me earlier.
"Since there is 20 books, need help?" I shook my head at him, not moving my eyes from the books.
" he'll know by the different hand writing and also the differentiation in the way we answer the questions so just to stay on the safe side i'll answer them all" I said, returning my line of sight back at Bunny with a little smile.
" pens under the sink, be a good puppy and get it for me?" I said with a puppy face. He just blushed a little with a smile and and a nod, he stood and walked to me.
I looked up at him with a quizzical look, he kissed my head and left. Why did he do that? Damn that boy gets my curiosity meter, sky high.

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