The Deal

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I looked at Jack and he signaled for me to follow him. I nodded and followed him.
With every step I took the louder I heard an insanely high pitched beep along with static from a TV that has lost its signal.
My vision also joined in with the static as Mt vision blurred with the TV.
I heard Jack speak up.
"If you feel like throwing up turn back, it would mean your not ready for this" I shook my head.
" I only feel dizzy" I replied.
Yeah my stomach is churning but I'm used to that since I get ill quite easily.
I followed close behind him.
When we reached door my hearing and eyesight has almost gone.
He put his hand on my shoulder and Turned away and walked off.
I stayed there waiting.
I'm not very patient At all.
I was about to knock the door but thankfully someone all to familiar opened it.
"your an ass hole"
He chuckled a little.
"come in"
He let me and then shut AND locked the door behind us.
To be honest I was to tired to care.
I sat down in a comfy leather seat in front of his desk.
"so?" I asked him.
"oh straight to the point, is that's what you want?"
I nodded and he sighed as he sat down directly opposite me. I sat there listening intently for what's he about to say.
"I need to you to work for me"
I think I stopped him from continuing talking.
"sure, as long I get a place to stay and money"
He stayed quiet for a few minutes.
"to be honest I didn't think you'd say yes straight away
I smiled a little at him.
He stood up and gave me a piece of paper.
Sign it.
I grabbed one of his pens and signed it with LAD.
And then the contract disappeared.
He stood up and said "you'll have to follow my every order and oy mine.  Oh and also respect and kinda follow what some of the things that proxies say"
He turned to the window.
"and who are they?"
"you'll fine you"
I took a step to him.
"but how will I find out-"
"hush now curious child, leave and that's an order."
I sighed and then nodded.
I waved and said goodbye for now as I left the door.
When I closed the door behind me I realised that my eye sight and hearing have all been improved since the meeting.
I saw Jack standing there once more.
"I have been... Ordered to see to your needs, and help you recover from the meeting"
Recover?what does he mean by that? I thought.
"I'm fine a little hungry but I'm fine"
He crossed his arms and looked at me intently.
"so your telling me that the meeting did nothing to your senses?"
I titles my head.
"only when I was walking to the door, then somehow I just got better with without realizing it"
He nodded in agreement.
"well what would you like to eat?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"any kind of cereal will do me just fine. "
He smiled and walked off.
I followed him back up the hallway and passed the room I came out of and then the first open door is the kitchen which I passed and then into the open room.
I eyed the two stair cases and then looked at an two doored (but there's none there) entrance to the living room.  I walked in and saw Ben playing on none other than majoras mask.
I sat next to him which startled him and made him accidentally jump of a ledge and die.
"sorry I didn't mean to startle you"
He sighed and he turned off the console.
"what was your name again?"
"just either call me Lad or Cry"
He looked at me with a raised brow and a confused look.
"I'll just call you Lad, can I ask why?"
"why not?" I replied with a little laugh and a shrug.
He just returned the shrugs.
"so what you doing here?"
I shrugged.
"mothers a bitch so slender let me stay here"
He smiled.
"wanna play a game?"
I opted my head at him and then at the girl who tackle hugged Ben.
She had wooden brown hair, bright emerald green eyes, lovely short pink dress, a brown teddy in hand and the palest skin I've ever seen a little girl have and then there was blood coming from her head and she was covered in bruises and cuts along with dust on most of her joints.
I smiled and got down to my knees so I can be on the same level as her. she seems to be 7-8 years old.
"hello there, I'm cry, what's your name? Oh wait your Sally!"
She smiled brightly and then hugged me.
"sorry Sally"
Ben said to say.
"it's OK Ben" she huggled me and bounced happily.
"why you sorry Ben?"
I titled my head and picked sally up onto my back.
"I stole her catch phrase" o giggled and then took Sally into the hall way.
"up the stairs turn left and it's the black and white door"
I nodded at her commands and tried running up the stairs.
I got to the last five steps and someone,  Jeff who was fighting a girl who literally looked like a hot goth, they both were fighting down the hall by leaped and they hit both me and Sally.
The goth girl lucky cought sally but I was left to face over the banister.
I thought I was going to hit the ground but who i think is called hoodie, came and cought me.
I realised a sigh a relief.
"You ok?" I nodded and help my stand. I just sat on the floor.
I saw Jeff run down the stairs.
Shouting at Jane and then at me.
"ARE YOU OK?!" He asked me.  I just nodded with a smile.
Hoodie shook his head in shame,  "there are children here guys"
They ignored me.
She got out a knife and leaped at Jeff from top the stairs.
Thankfully ender reported in and picked them both up with a tenticle and teleported away.
"that was drama"
"get used to it"
He helped me back up once more.
He shook my hand and said "oh I'm hoodie by the way"
"oh I know" I replied smiling.

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