locked secret

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After we sat down and had most of the food in my bag to eat- we heard a loud crash coming from down stairs, and well he hid back into his little room and I headed stright for the windows,  I opened up the massive sill to realise that it was actually a box ( could've fooled me). I stepped inside and i shut the lid down on myself, I then looked over to the attic door through the weird one way holes in this thing.
The door opened upwards with Jonah stepping through.
He looked sound the room with careful eyes, his eyes then led upon the camera.
'Thank fuck I removed the memory card earlier'
" she's not here" I heard him say as he stepped onto the dusty attic floor.
"What are we going to do?"
I was in a state of shock when my mother walked behind him. Fucking two faced bitch.
I watched them as they looked around.
"so she was the experiment?" he looked around the room picking up the random bits and bobs here and there.
My mother nodded at him.
"After all this time...I would never had geussed"
"If I did what I did back at work...she wouldn't have grown up with a mind...people who are mindless are dangerous"
"I agree"
He walked over to the camera and picked it up.
"Well she was here, that or this camera teleported itself here"

He sighed putting it back.

"So what's the plan with your daughter?"

He sat down on the box next to the windows so I had a great view of his ass and the smell of it. I tried holding in the laughter and giggling that would give away my position.
I steadied my breathing making sure that my breathig wasn't loud enough for him to hear.
I saw my mother walk closer to him and sit next to him.
I covered my noise and never looked up.
Well fuck.
"I'll send my shadow walker"
'Shadow walker'
I listened more carefully at the mention of a shadow walker.

"Isn't he asleep?"
If I get out of this place i need to be away of anyone that is liked to darkness of any kind. Gotta stay cautious.
"I awoke him this morning, he's been asleep since her 7 birthday when he almost killed her brother."
My brother? But...that's when HE tried killing ME! and I don't... well I cant really say if I remember him or not because I don't even know who and how old this shadow walker is.

"What's his name?"

"And why would I tell you?"

"So I can help him in anyway I can in the capture of your daughter"
My mother laughed and stood up and started making her to the attic door.
"So what's his name?" Jonah asked her.
She opened the door and stepped down.
Then she dissappear into the floor below.
He followed after her quickly.
" why not?!" He shouted at her as he ran to her on the level below.
I got out of the box and Jeff came through the wall.
I closed the box lid and stood ontop of it and opened the window.
It was a circular  windows so it would be easy to climb through.
Jeff stood next to me on the box confused.
He whispered "what are you doing"
"When they leave the house the forcefield will turn back on. And then that means that we would have no means for escape"
He shrugged.
I quickly got out through the window.
And Jeff followed me.
He was about to shut the windows but I stopped him.
"Don't shut it all the way, we might need to go back in"
He nodded and closed at half shut.
I looked at him confused.
"If someone decides to walk around either in or out and around the house, they wouldn't think or see that the windows was open if it was like that." I nodded and looked down.
'Look I am the fearless whatever...' I am shit scared of high things.
I sighed as I watched Jeff easily climb down the house with epic manoeuvrability . He jumped off halfway down the building and onto a tree.
I looked down the building as my legs shook.
I looked around the building and noticed there was purple static across the floor.
Fuck. .The shield is being reactivated.
I looked down for a second before I literally did a leap of faith.
I jumped off of the house as the shield cam up just about scraping my back.
I landed on the same tree as Jeff.  Well I say landed, what I meant to say was that I hit it with my foot and fell off of the tree.
Luckily Jeff cought my hand and helped me back up.
" don't do anything that stupid again" Jeff said and jumped down.
"No promises" I said and jumped across to the next tree and then climbed down.
"So where we going then?"he asked as we started walking into the woods.
"Oh nothing..just the forests mansion" I said giggling at him as he looked at me with surprise.
"What?" I then started running into the woods.

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