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I started walking into the forest unafraid of anything... Except clowns.. Fuck clowns.

I giggled as I walk through the forest picking up my pace.
I took in the sweet breath of the pine trees and walked along a sheep trail. Littered in leaves. It's spring why are the leaves dead? I started to get a bad feeling and started running through the forest.
As I ran I cut my legs on the nettles and roses that xiver d the ground, denser and denser the nettles grew to the point where I had to carry moving on the trees.
Climbing up isn't hard but the rest sure hell is.
It's hard to tell if one tree is dead or alive or if the tree would actually hold my weight
(aren't I a fat bitch jk XD)
I started to climb a high and strong tree that seemed to overlook most of the forest.
I noticed just beyond a weird hill was a top of a roof, I grabbed my hidden knife and carved on to the tree what direction it's in if I get lost.
I climbed back down and jumped or climbed from tree to tree until I get to open land.
I jumped down and breathed in scented flowers. An open field full of wild flowers reminds me of home.

I walked to the far edge of the field and in the distance I saw a massive river lead down the valley and then a massive mansion, (the field has a cliff and down the hill side is a great massive mansion. )
I was in awe at the sight, it had five floors not including the attics or even the caller.
I looked down at the steep cliff and saw a young boy looking up at me.
Red and black eyes of which only a demon should have.
He stood in place staring up at me with a grin, he looked like the statue of Link out of Legend Of Zelda just a little paler and what I think is crying blood.
I looked around to find a tree that was next to me leaning over the cliff.
I looked behind the boy and to the mansion that was quite far in the distance but trees still covered the area behind the mansion nonetheless.
The only way to get down is jumping.
So that what I did.
I jumped off and I grinded my feet across the wall surface and kicked a loud of rocks underneath me so when i landed I rolled across the floor so I won't get my self hurt.
I quickly got up on my feels and looked over to the boy who stared at me in amazement.
He then looked away at me sad, I was about to walk to him and ask what was wrong but like the everyday life of mine, things never go the way I'd like it to.
I got hit real hard at the back of my head by what I could only think could be a tree branch due to the rustle of leaves I heard before it actually did hit my head.

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