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I was suppose to head back home but Jonah made me go back to the complex.
He phoned my mother to explain but...
"sorry miss Lake but your daughter won't be able to. Come home tonight "
Since it's on speaker I heard her voice.
"oh it's ok make sure she comes home safe tomorrow " then she hung up. Great The bitch is drunk, I'll go home in three months and she'll forget about that conversation.
I thought slouching back into the car seat.

"what's wrong?" I looked to him to my right and shrugged.
"so you'll be staying for a couple months. "
I nodded. Great even more projects. I wanna save the faceless guy though.
The car came to a sudden stop next to a forest.
I tilted my head towards Jonah.
"I'm sorry but we're going to need to test your loyalty"
We were the if two people in the car, but I knew other people were listening due to him saying 'we' making it sound like more than just himself.
I sighed looking out the window and out to the forest.
"all you have to do is go out into the forest, take a pasta from a secret project, dead or alive we don't care. They are the only people in the woods so be careful. "I nodded and go out the cat. He then followed me and somehow grabbed a bag from thin air and gave me the bag.
"electro Magnet stick for the computer projects, an injection for the powerful projects, and cuffs" I put the bag on and stared walking and then stopped.
"why am I doing THIS?"
I asked.
"because it's a test"I moaned walking away frustrated.


Jonah's POV
After I sent the girl home I made my way to talk to my sister D.  D is the top scientist here, she has has a loud of epic ideas that actually comes out good, it's just that she rarely does it here self. But for the past 15 years she's been doing one in particular but unfortunately never told me.
Today I'm visiting Evi though, to talk to him about the project and what he thinks what we should do with D's project and the operation from lad.

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