Project faceless people

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I sat there in the chair spinning - I logged onto the laptop by following the instructions it gave me.
I logged onto everything and by the end of it I found out that I was a lv 7 security clearance.
Well an hour has passed now and still no one has came here. I looked over at the scenery around me. White floor, white ceiling, white doors and a white wall-with a button? I peered closer scanning it. FINALLY. I looked back at my computer binged, signaling me to go to it.
I walked over back to my computer. I noticed the computer had a message so I read it.
Message:press it... Then follow the book on the other side and record everything here.
Then before I could get to the reply bar, it disappeared. Sighing I walked back to the button and pressed it without a problem.
Just after I pressed the button the wall divided into two and then sunk into the floor. Then in front of me appeared a glass door And a glass wall.
Behind the wall, however, was something far from anything i have ever seen.
He was nearly 7 feet tall. Everything about him was inhumanly large. He had large hands, he had large feet, he had large legs, he had large arms, he also had a large torso. But the one thing that Stood out was his face. See? There was NOTHING there. No nose, no mouth, no eyes, not even hair!
I continued to look at him and I think he was looking back at me? I can't read tell since, you know, no eyes and stuff made it Impossible to tell.
I looked down at him more and as I did so he tilted his head at me.
"OK OK um... Can you talk?" why me and the stupid question's... I hate being asked them because i don't usually have a smart answer. But damn am I curious.
He shook his head and lifted up his neck to show a red collar.
"it's stopping you from talking? " I asked him.
He nodded at me. From the way he's just sitting there, it appears his body must be numb or something - I can't remember what's called though.

I looked over at the wall and it had a note book with a pen. I walked over to it and looked at it with my back turned to it

This is a creature called the slender man. You need to insert the needle that you will find next to this note. You will have to write down EVERYTHING from before the insert of the needle.. During taking it and after it.

Slender prov.

The girl turned her back to me.
I am an idiot for falling for this.
Well at least my limbs are coming back to me. I could grab her and rip her apart.
She started reading a note pad.
I lifted my head up and looked at the ceiling.
Stupid girl.
My tendrils started protruding from my back and slowly made their way to her.
She still hadn't noticed. She placed the notebook down with a sigh and in the moment they ripped themselves around her body and pulled her on to my lap.
She let out a small yelp like a pitiful dog.
"w-what are you doing? She asked trying to move forward.
I wish I could say how much I wanted to kill her. My tendrils wrapped around her tighter. Then she said something rather odd.
"I'd you kill me, you have no chance of getting out" I don't like relying on humans, but she has a point... After a while I let her go.
"just let me run the tests and I'll do what I can do okay?" she said reaching out for a set of needles. I nodded.
She wrote down a lot and now I mean a lot of things before she injected me with the weird substance. As it entered my blood stream I noticed it had traces of chloroform in it and some other drugs.
She can try write fast, bad hand writing though.
Soon enough, I don't know how but I fell asleep.

Normal prov:
He must've farm asleep by now. I sat next to him and lifted up his abnormally long arm and checked his pulse. So 18 beats per 15 seconds, so that's 72 beats per minute.
I got back up and wrote down more.
"finished"I said leaving the room I looked back at my lap top to find a message on the screen

Take off the face but make sure the patient stays alive

"Well fuck"

Another message came on screen.

Press the button again and your patient will be there

I went back to the button and pressed it and the wall came back up with a quiet noise and re opened showing an operation room with all the necessary equipment, including my clothes... Great
I got changed quickly after checking the room for any camera
And to be honest I don't know half of the equipment here
This is what I call faceless project

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