My Bloody Savior

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Jeff's POV.
I ran around these halls with Ben close behind.
We were headed to the torture rooms in case Luna was there.
We had L.J teleport us as far up as he could in Zalgo's Domain.
Which was the top of the fucking thing so we had a terrifying trip.
First off we headed down the hall and instead of running down all the stairs we just slid on the bars until we came on the right floor.
As we were running down the corridor, one of the doors blasted one by one behind us and literally blew Us through the wall and into a massive room.
A loud explosion then nocked us back into the room we came from.
I screamed as I fell back, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"I hit the back wall and then have Ben slammed into me.
I grunted loudly and then growled at him.
He scooted off of me and sighed looking down the hall we came from.
"I wonder what's going on"he said trying to get my mind off of killing him.
"beats fucking me, Luna's room should be through this corridor and into that room and into another set of rooms. "
I stand grunting louder holding my stomach.
I looked over at Ben and kicked his shin as he stood up.
"th'fuck that for?!"
I smiled and walked past him barging him.
"for gaining wait you fat bastard. "I laughed as he caught up to me.
We entered the room and to our surprise.

Lads POV.
My head shot to Jeff and Ben that exit the hallway and into the room, they gave me the exact quizzative look as I gave them.
What are they doing here?
I looked back at slender man who had a broken shoulder from one of Zalgos attack.
I stand here behind zalgo next to stripes and the rake.
I stood there with my arms folded trying to keep a poker face.
L.J in striped hands nocked out.
I tried to get him off her hands but she wouldn't have it.
I sighed looking back at slender with a cool face and I bet if he DID had a face he'd look at me with disgust.
I'm sorry I had to do it.
Zalgo pulled me by my waist (of which I did not like) and pointed at slender.
"for my first order, i order you to kill him"he pushed me between him and slender.
I gave zalgo a 'what the fuck' look.
I looked over.
"what does he mean by first order child?" slender said.
I looked down.
"Lad?!"I shot my head to Jeff and sighed.
"I made a deal"
Everyone looked at me in shock.
And slender-in anger and rage.
His tenticles grew larger and larger and instead of it being curvy, it snapped to from something like spiders legs. I started to panic.
I looked everywhere from something to defend myself with.
But..  It's just an empty room. Apart from a mirror.
Like fuck is that going to help and above all it's at the back of the room..
I sighed putting my hands up. "it's not what you think I swear!"
I fought to hold back tears. I'm so fucking weak compared to him.
One of his tenticles grew much bigger than the rest and reached far back. I looked over at Jeff with pleading eyes.
"I was going to brake it I swear!"
I fall onto my knees scared.
Slender shouted "you can't brake promises!"then his tenticle shot out at me.
I closed my eyes tightly excepting my fate.

I then did not feel pain drying the period of total silence and just nothing happened.
Well aren't I always wrong?
I felt another forcibly thrown me to the other side of the room with them still holding me.
I opened my eyes to see Jeff with a minor cut on his arm.
I hugged him tightly breathing heavily.
He hugged me back.
"girl I order you now to kill Jeffrey "I shook my head.
"it's an order"
I shook my head once again feeling his mark on my back burning with every disobedient move I make.
I hugged Jeff harder. Zalgo raised his arm and spikes grew from his arm and headed straight for me.
Jeff pulled me by my waist and he grabbed the spike. Wait let me rephrase that, he caught the spike as it entered his hand sending blood all over his arm.
I stood up from Jeff's embrace and took a deep breath.
I grabbed my pocket knife and slit open my hand and as the blood flowed from my palm, a contract appeared.
I ripped not up before anyone in the room had chance to think.
A smirk of a smart ass  appeared onto my face.
He got hurt
The deal was off.

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