Happy hunting

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Jeff's POV.

I'm back in her home town searching for someone in particular. She got long red brown hair and very bright clothes.
I've been watching her along with Masky, Hoodie and Toby.  Slender ordered them to help me because they are great hunters or something like that.
We noticed that she spends a lot of time out and about but... Still at least in line of sight with people. And if she leaves the house longer than an hour she constantly has someone calling her.

Today something is off though.
She seemed to be more paranoid.
She's taking different paths to where she's going.

"drive us to the end of the ally"
Hoodie looks at me.
"just do it. I'll kill her at the end of this ally"
He nodded and drove.
I got out of the truck and peeked around the corner to see her walking down the street.
Perfect. And what's even better is no one is around.
Well except me that is.


If anyone does decide to show up, I'll hack them to pieces too.

I secretly watched as she looked around frantically.
She turned around and started walking backwards.
She must've noticed someone is watching her, pity~

I got up from my hiding spot near the truck and started walking silently to her.
I managed to walk to about a feet or so behind her, when she turned back around she walked straight into me.
"why hello there~"
She looked up at me in shock.
Must've seen how beautiful I am.
She was about to scream but I quickly slit her throat but not enough to kill her.. Yet, but it enough to stop her from making a noise whatsoever ever.
I tripped her up and pinned her onto the floor as she gurgled on blood.

"hello there~, you got something I want and need... Wanna know what that is?"
She shook her head and I laughed menacingly, wiring my eyes and smile at her.
"your black.... Cold... Little heart" I said as cold and deep as possible.
I watched her as she started to cry.
I picked my knife and raised it over her chest.
"now don't sqerm I need the heart unharmed. " then she started to move frantically.
I rammed the knife into arm cutting it off, so now she can't try anything but hold her neck with her other hand.
I brought the knife back to her chest where I softly cut into her chest.
"need help?"
I look up at eyeless Jack who had a syringe.
"if you can keep her alive as I cut her heart out sure, oh and awake. "
He shrugged and injected her fully with a some sort of liquid.
I continued to cut as she cried even more.
I laughed a little as I pull off bits of clothes and skin to the point where I could see bone.
I then dug my hand into her chest and grabbed her heart, I then used my other hand to cut off the tubes connecting the heart to the body and ripped it out.
She gave her last breath and cried.
She breathed out 'why' just before her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"got a spare-?" E.J passed me a jar filled with a liquid, I put the heart in the jar and he put the lid on it.
"well that was easy" I say smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I gave evil the heart and then put the other heart on top of Lad where her heart should be.

I waited until he finished the potion.

"all done"...
I nodded slowly.

We followed everything she said and it got to the point if pouring it over her heart.
God mine is pounding.

"Jeff?"I looked over at evil as he handed me the potion.
"what?"I replied.
"You do it"
I nodded and poured the liquid over her glass heart slowly.
After a few minutes the heart started to glow and ever so slightly we could see it pulsating.
Holy shit please tell me it worked.
I took the heart off of her chest and saw her rose up.
"fuck awie!"
I smiled and hugged her tightly.
"your alive!"she giggled and hugged me back.
"ahem"we both looked over to slender who was standing in the doorway.
"what do you want?"
Then he and Lad disappeared with him. Asshole.
I then turned my head to evil.
"what now?"
"she isn't alive "
Wait what?
"she is one of us now."
That means.
"fuck" I quickly left the room and headed to sender's office.
I busted through his door at the same time she ran out.
She didn't answer.
"I told her and she didn't like it-" I quickly left and headed to my room, I knew she would be there.

And somehow I was right.
I entered my room and saw her sat on the bed crying.
I sat next to her and hugged her bringing her onto my lap.
"I'm here for you.. " she hugged back and cried quietly.
I hushed her and moved the hair out of her face. "your alive...it could be worse.. You could be stuck THERE instead" she nodded and started calming herself down.
I muzzled my head into her shoulder and she giggled.
"bunny... "
I looked up at her.
Smashed my lips against hers.

I am not good at this.

I then felt her kiss back, that made me turn bright red.
She giggled once again as we pulled apart for air.
I chuckled to myself as I wiped away a tear.
"will you be mine, my lover and my girlfriend?" she nodded and hugged me.
This is.. So dreamy.

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