Going crazy without your love

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Jeff pov.
We've tried everything in the books to bring her back.
Sleepless nights and endless days of countless fails one after another. And nothing is fucking working and well it's driving me insane.
It's been a pure year, just trying to bring her back. It's driving me insane.
I just realised
Isn't it funny?
I spent so many fun years, just tareing people apart.
Loved ones,  families, friends....lovers.
And when I finely find someone I actually love...she dies, before I get to tell her the truth of how I feel about her. That's life?
Even if I can get her to stay alive, even for a few minutes... as long as I could tell her...as long as she knew.
I don't even fucking care if she doesn't feel the same way about me.
As long as she knows...The truth.
Hahaha as if...
Mr killer with a smiley face in love? Yeah right...well only with her.
There's three more things left to do. If i have the guts to carry them out anyway.
One is to find another place to put her soul and use it as like a continual improvement of her life span. (Like using another phones battery to keep another phone alive)
Like an for ever charging battery for her soul.
Unless it broke, then she would die again and it would have been for nothing at all and to be honest I want to go with something that will defiantly work, but if it's me last choice I'd gladly do it...For her.
And another thing is to find her dopleganger (Unrelated twin somewhere in the world that looks, acts everything like each other even with the same life style and choices) caste a weird spell and make their souls switch.
And the last one...is to curse her to be one of us, a creepy pasta proxy of the slender man just like the rest of us apart from his other living proxies.

I look up out at the night sky, gazing at the full moon.
I rested my arms on the cercular windows.
My back facing the old and full attic.
Her attic.
Her place.
Her home.
The place she loved.
And no one knew.
When ever she though she was alone I'd watch her make her way here.
She sang songs.
Such lovly songs.
Her own songs.
Sang her way.

"There is someone I used to know..way up there beyond the clouds"
I Peek my head to next to me and saw the memory of lad ...singing.
"In darkest night...the moon so bright"
"Secrets holds Bo bonds but ever lasting keys are found" finnished her song off. She always stopped there and than continue to look out the windows at the starry sky.
She cought me watching her one night.
"So you just gunna stand there and gawk at me?" She giggled and motioned me to sit next to her whilst looking at me in the doorway.
I stared at her for a second but the smiled and happily sat next to her after dodging all the stuff that was scattered around the attic.
"I wish I was up there"
I looked at her confused.
"As the moon?" She nodded.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because the night shine brighter in the sky and plus my name has always been part of the night"
I looked at her so confused.
She just laughed and hugged me. At this moment in time she was almost on my lap just hugging me.
She let go and stood up.
I did the same as she moved to be facing me but back to the windows.
"By the way my name is -" then she fell through the attic window.
I screamed, reaching reality and ran to the window.
I saw her corpse there on the floor.
I climbed onto the sill and looked down ready to jump.
I heard the door behind me open.
I ignored them. I need to save her.
I made a leap off the window sill just to be hollered back into the attic by the proxy hoodie.
I got pulled to the floor by him.

"Check outside , who's there?"
Masky ran past and looked over the window.
"There's no one there.."
I punched hoodie and threw him off me.
I then took my knife out of my pocket and ran to Masky about to make lovely new holes in his body.
"Liar" I slashed my knife across his shoulder, missing his neck as he dived to the side.
"She's there!"
I saw lad standing in the doorway in the attic, leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed and her face is looking at me with a sad expression.
"We need Ann to sedate him"
Hood ordered Toby to go, probably to collect nurse Ann.
I threw my knife at hoodie,  going into his chest and ran past him chasing lad.
I ran down all the steps and I ran down all the hall ways until eventually I was led outside, and still I followed.
Behind me however, they still chased me until soon enough hoodie tackled and pined me to the floor.
"Calm Down Jeff! !!"
I tried pinching him but then fucking masky took my arms and pinned them on the floor above my head.
I spat at him.
"Is he..."I looked over at nurse Ann who was walking to me with a needle filled with ...what ever makes people sleep.
"Just quickly and sadate him"
"Fuck off you assholes I'm so close in catching her!"
Hoodie scoffed and punched me in the face
"You dumbass,  She's dead and she will always be dead!"
I managed to punch him in the face before nurse Ann injected me with the syrem and soon enough my vision, hearing and feelings in my body started to dissappear.
My brain started to go numb ever so slowly.
Soon enough I felt myself go into a slumber.

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