Sleep over with a killer

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Saph and I were sat on her bed. Saph was on the phone to her boyfriend playing truth or dare until he had to go. "Well that was fun" I looked over to her and she agreed with a nod. " Moms gone out and my brother is over his friends house so were here alone" she giggled towards me, I giggled along with her. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked. "i think so" I replied. "MUSIC TIME!" We both shouted at the same time. Saph had hazel coloured eyes and black hair which she died, it did suit her but i preferred the red. She wore leggings and a black belly top. I sat next to her wearing semi- bell jeans. I tried dying my hair black too but my hair didn't take to it so its a dark chocolate brown colour and I had luscious blue eyes.

We turned up whatever music we could find on YouTube at an ear bleeding volume level, we started singing and dancing along with the music. We sang in unison for some parts and then random shit for the rest. After a while Saph turned down the music and I sat down, next to the table where her hamsters lay. "Can I hold them?" I asked with my best attempt at puppy eyes. She nodded then made her way into the kitchen. "Yay!" Smiling I took snow ball out of her cage and held her in my hands gently petting her. She is literally as white as snow and so god damn soft.

I think I spent around an hour, just soaking in all the quiet and petting snow. I haven't seen Sapphire since she left to grab something. Worried I put snow back in her cage and went upstairs looking for her. I walked into her room and saw that she was just lying on top of her bed asleep. Why is she asleep? I asked myself. I walked closer to her and noticed there was blood on her shirt; I didn't see any wounds on her. What was she doing? I pondered to myself. Looking around the room to see if I could suss out any more blood I didn't find anything suspicious. Sadly I was wrong, everything was turned off in a flash. The music was no longer playing and the lights smashed into small specs of glass.

For a few minutes there was nothing but a deafening, terrifying silence.

A few minutes later all I could hear was police sirens. whats going on? I thought to myself.

their flashing lights shone through every window in the house.

Behind the deafening sirens there was a scream which I had identified was male.
I ran as fast as I could out of the room, down the stairs and into the living where I could then see Saphs brother Jayson, lying lifeless on the floor, blood seething out of his body.

Next to him stood a boy wearing a white hoodie and black trousers. His hoodie was smothered with blood, most likely Jayson's. I looked up to inspect the killers face but the only thing I could see was a massive smile that has been carved into his cheeks. Thankfully his dark night like hair covered the rest of his face. something inside me made me think I wouldn't want to see his face either. After around a minute of staring at him and him staring back, he leaped towards me to stab me but hesitated. Wait. Why did he hesitate? Is he scared of me? I giggled to myself as I fell back; he lay on top of him. No matter I thought to myself. I just kicked my feet up from underneath him and pushed him backwards causing him to hit the window. He got up and just stared at me until he disappeared. OK where did he go? I thought to myself as I fell over from the adrenaline rush I had.
Looking around i noticed the living room was a mess. How could two people make such a mess without me hearing? As I stood there thinking. I didn't notice that the police were throwing in sleeping powder which did it's job quite well. I fell back, asleep next to the still lifeless body of my best friends brother.

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