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If you made it through the first chapter, you already know that everyone is going to be OOC, even the OCs (please don't ask how that works).

I don't own anything.
Professor Pio Bilokis was nice and Orson found him entertaining. He actually asked tough questions that made Orson think and he didn't seem to have any hate against the 15 year old. By the third day of class, Orson realized Professor Bilokis was his favorite teacher up to date.

Oh yeah, he was also Orson's architect teacher.

After school (because school is boring and not worth writing about) Orson went back to his room and ditched school supplies. He grabbed his rubber band ball (there might be some annoying person he could bounce it off of) and went for a walk to examine the building's design.

The building was split into multiple levels, each which had a platform large enough for a regular ship to land on. Orson got to be on the third platform from the top, which gave him an excellent view over the city. He could see the way the planet curved ever so slightly across the horizon. He strode to the edge of the platform and sat down, dangling his legs over.

He stared across the city, thinking. Being the youngest one here was both exciting and frightening for him. It was exciting because this was a one-time opportunity he would never have again. It still shocked him that he had been smart enough to be accepted into this institute at such a young age.

But his age also came to a disadvantage. He was so young it was possible someone would manipulate his limited knowledge and make him do something he would regret later. And he wasn't very good at physical fighting. He had had a few lessons in some martial arts but he was small and skinny. A 61 kilogram teenager couldn't take down a 91 kilogram man. All he had to do was hope that no one would take advantage of his size and age.

Orson found himself clenching the rubber ball extremely tightly at these thoughts. He decided to switch the subject. He started thinking about a bet Quint had roped him into taking. It was simple. The first one to find romance here would have to buy the other a drink. Like any good boy in a bet, Orson didn't want to be on the losing side. He didn't have many credits and he'd rather waste them on his crush, not on Quint. But he didn't tell his roommate that.

He became away that he wasn't alone. Apparenly someone had sat down a few meters away from him to dangling their legs off the edge as well. Orson glanced over. It was a man not much older than he was... oh my Force, he was pretty good looking. Orson immediately wondered if this is what love felt like. He wanted to meet this man.

He slid closer until there was at least a meter and a half between him and the other man. "Hi!" Orson said.

The man jumped, his eyes widening with shock from the sudden and unexpected greeting. He relaxed a little and said "Hello." Orson noticed how the man's eyes were a little puffy, as though he had been standing out in the rain too long.

The man's voice was deep with an alluring accent. Orson found himself even more attracted to this man, and began wondered if the man thought the same way about his accent. "Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Just... thinking," said the man.

"Cool! Me too!"

The man went back to pondering and Orson went back to thinking about all those hot girls Quint had described. Every one of the descriptions matched this one man, except for the detail that it wasn't a girl.

'What is wrong with me?' Thought Orson. He knew his parents and his planet didn't approve of same sex marriage... so his love life was already screwed up and it hadn't even started. Then again, this could just be one of those "weird phases," as his mother claimed.

Orson decided to introduce himself. "I'm Orson Krennic," he said a little too brightly. He extended his hand towards the man.

The man was looking him over. "You're a kid," he said quietly.

"A teenager," Orson corrected. He hated being called a kid. "I'm 15."

The man smirked at Orson's correction and Orson felt like he had been shot to the moon. The man was already handsome but a smile just made it too much to handle. 'Wait, stop Orson. You're overthinking this,' he told himself. No way was he going to run away with fantasies only to become disappointed by them.

"I'm Galen. Galen Erso." The man clasped Orson's hand and shook it. "You're pretty young for the program," he remarked.

"I know," Orson responded. "I think I'm one of the youngest ones here."

"That's wonderful."

"Yep! How old are you?"

"I'm almost 20."

Orson became even more excited. Heck, he could get to know Galen and then maybe he could give him some great birthday gift and Galen would fall head-over-heels in love with him and...

Out of pure muscle reaction, Orson bounced the rubber band ball off his own head. 'Shut up, Orson!'He thought. Galen looked at him, shocked, and Orson felt extremely stupid for doing that. "So... when is your birthday?"

Galen looked down. "It's tomorrow. I was going to celebrate it with my parents... but my father just died this morning."

Honestly, Orson wouldn't have minded if his own parents were gone. They had bossed him around for years and he always got into fights against them. However, he said "Oh... I'm so sorry..." Galen looked like he was going to start sobbing again. So Orson tried to make him smile. "Wanna go looking for any hot girls?"

Dammit, that was not what he was supposed to say. However, it made Galen laugh and he looked at Orson with a small twinkle in his eye. "Sure." The two got up and walked side by side, scoping he area. Orson couldn't have been happier, even though he was slightly frustrated Galen towered nearly twenty centimeters over him.

But what made things even better was when Galen said "Might as well keep an eye out for any hot boys as well."

"Hot boys?" Orson wanted to add 'You mean like you?' but he didn't.

Galen nodded. "Yeah. I'm attracted to all genders."

"There's more than one gender?" Orson wished he didn't say that. Galen looked surprised and maybe even a little angry... or embarrassed... it was hard to tell. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

The older man just smiled. "You have a few minutes, right?"

"We're searching for hot people. I have all the time in the world until tomorrow morning." That was all Galen needed to hear. He explained to Orson about the whole gender thing and Orson listened quietly, mainly concentrating on Galen's dreamy accent.
Idk what I wrote. I guess it's my true view of how romance should work (I've never had a crush or fallen in love so I don't have any idea how it actually feels).

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and please review!

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