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Another escapade of Orson and Galen. Wonder what's going to happen.

I don't own anything.
For the next week, Orson spent his time getting to know Galen either through stalking or talking to him. Usually it was the first choice.

Today was one of the stalking says. Orson craftily followed Galen through the halls. God, he was so beautiful. The teenager would have liked to talk to Galen at this point but Galen was wrapped up in a conversation with some other friends. Galen glanced over one of his friend's shoulders and Orson realized he was looking right at him. So Orson did what any normal person would do when their crush looked at them.

He hid.

When he was sure Galen wasn't looking anymore, Orson peeked around the corner and looked at Galen. Wait, where was Galen? He scanned the crowd frantically but couldn't spot Galen. Shoot, now what? Did he go back to his dorm? Was he just hidden by his friends? Orson continued to look around when all of a sudden someone grabbed his shoulder, making him scream.

Orson whipped around. He was staring right up at Galen. "H-Hi Galen," he stammered. "Wh-Whatcha doin'?"

"You were spying on me again, weren't you?" said Galen.

"WHAAATTT?? NO!" Dammit, he said it too fast. Orson smiled as innocently as he could, which was never convincing back at his old school at at home. "What would make you think that??"

Galen released him. "A piece of advice. You might not want to make yourself so obvious if you're going to stalk someone." Orson mentally freaked out. Galen knew he had been spying on him the whole time. This couldn't be good news. Was Galen angry at him? Did he think he was an annoying brat? Orson didn't want to ask Galen yet at the same time he had to know what Galen thought for him.

Apparently his desires were greater than his fear of humiliation in front of his crush. "Do... you dislike me now?"

Galen frowned. "Dislike? No. But shouldn't you be studying for school instead of stalking me?"

"I wasn't stalking you! I was stalking other people too!"

"Because following me to the bathroom isn't creepy," said Galen. So Orson was a creep in Galen's eyes. This day couldn't get any worse. "Look, Orson. Just stop stalking me and I'll do whatever you want my attention for."

Orson's eyes lit up. Galen was offering to do anything? WITH HIM!?? "Wanna go out to eat tonight!?" Orson wanted to face palm so badly now. Why did his mouth always say the stupidest things? No, why was he so stupid in general? Must be his 15-year old brain.

Galen shrugged. "If that's what you want. Do you have a place in mind?"


"Okay, text me when you do."

"Alright! See you tonight!" And Orson skipped off.

He didn't make it very far before he realized he didn't have Galen's com number. "Galen! What's your com number?" he called.

The older man took Orson's wrist and tapped in his com number, oblivious to Orson's mental screams. "There. Now you have my com number. Please don't spam me with texts." And with that, Galen left.

As soon as Galen was out of earshot, Orson let out a high pitched squeal. He had a date with Galen! He won the bet and Galen was his! This has to be the best day ever!

Orson didn't pay attention to his next class and ended up freaking out later when he realized he had to study for a giant test tomorrow. Great. Now he would have to cut the evening with Galen short to study. Unless... no, he couldn't wing it. English wasn't his strength.

Still, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. And today was Thursday. He could earn himself a detention tomorrow but at least it wouldn't be on the weekend. He planned to use the weekend to spend time with Galen.

Around 16:30, Orson was doing homework with Quint in their room when he got a text.

Galen: Hey, do you an idea where you want to go for dinner tonight yet?

Orson squealed, making Quint look up at him. Galen texted him! "Yo, O.K., what's up?" Quint wandered over and peeked over Orson's shoulder. "Huh... you got asked out?"

"No, I asked him if he wanted to go out and he said "Maybe." But now it looks like he's saying yes!"

"Where do you plan to bring him?"

Orson paused. He had no idea. "Uh... do you know any good spots?"

"Wow, Orson. You're really bad at the whole romance part."

"Well that's why I'm asking you. To get some help."

Quint thought for a second. "There's a nice Italian restaurant called the Olive Garden not to far away from here. Of course, you could go to McDonalds for all I care. There's a Fest related restaurant nearby. Oh, you could go to the Jedha one a few blocks down. Or that pizza place I can't remember the name of. Maybe even-"

"Stop!" Orson shouted. "Too many choices!"

"Well, what are you going to do?"

Orson didn't know. So he wrote back to Galen.

Orson: I have a few but do u have any preference?

"Yes, because typing 'u' instead of 'you' is soooooo professional," Quint drawled.

"Shut up, Quint! Or I'll punch you in the face!"

"Oh my reek, I am sooo scared!"

Orson was about to punch Quint when Galen texted back.

Galen: I don't care. I'll eat anything.

"Now your lie that you have a few places in mind comes in to play, Orson. What are you going to tell him?"

Orson had no idea. "Fine, where's that Olive Garden thing you mentioned?"
Shorter chapter but that leaves you guys kind of on a cliffhanger (I hope).

Please review!

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