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This chapter is basically a repeat of the previous except it's from Galen's point of view. And no Rogue One timeline scene.

Basically a repeating filler chapter because I realized my pacing for this story was off and so I need an excuse to set it back on track. Plus, it's another excuse for me to break hearts. And I need to practice writing the same scene from different points of view.

I don't own anything.
Galen paced the ballroom. For the four days Orson and Lyra had been trapped inside the cave, his mind had been on constant alert for a solution to get them out. He barely rested. He couldn't keep his mind off them, not that he tried to think of other things. It wasn't that he was afraid they couldn't survive. He knew about Lyra's background and was confident the two could survive for as long as was needed. Lyra had the skills to survive almost any condition. It was Orson he was really worried about. The teen had such a spark in him that he was likely to get killed if he did something stupid. Galen couldn't imagine what but he worried about Orson. Hopefully Orson and Lyra would be able to survive together and not fight, turning the cave into a bloodbath.

Galen pressed his hand to the ice door. He sighed and rested his forehead against it. The other four scientists were back at the ship, talking to a Jedi by the name of Qui-Gon Jinn. Apparently the Jedi was close enough to Ilum that it shouldn't take more than a few hours to get here. And since the cave was Force sensitive (or so Galen was told), getting the two out would be easy. At least Galen hoped it would.

Suddenly he felt the door heating up. Then a beam of light shot through, barely missing his head. Galen yelled and staggered backwards, tripping over himself and falling on his tailbone. He gawked as the beam burned a giant hole right through the ice door.

The beam stopped and after a moment of waiting, Galen peeked through the hole. He saw a large red crystal on the ground. Behind the crystal was Orson and Lyra. The two were on their backs, looking like they were seeing stars. Orson turned his head and his eyes locked onto Galen's.

"Orson..." Galen breathed. He stepped through the hole and strode towards the two. Suddenly he broke into a run. Orson stood up and Galen couldn't fight the urge to hug him. "Orson!"

WHAP!! Orson hit him across the face, causing Galen to fall to his knees. Galen felt horrified. Why would he do that? Did Orson hate him for leaving him behind? He could literally see the steam pouring for Orson's ears. "YOU BASTARD!!" The teen screamed. Lyra covered her ears. "YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL ME YOU HAD AN AFFAIR WITH LYRA!!??"

Oh that... Orson figured it out... dammit, Lyra was supposed to keep that secret. "You never asked..." Galen said in defense, but he knew it was a terrible defense. "Ouch, you slap hard..."

"WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?" Orson looked close to tears.

"I didn't think it was relevant to our relationship!" That was also the wrong thing to say.

Orson raised his hand and Galen braced himself for another slap. Instead, Lyra held Orson back. "Chill out, Krennic. That was months ago. It's over."

The teen flailed around, trying to break away from Lyra. "I can't believe you! Here, you told me you had never been in a relationship before and now I found out you were LYING!?"

Now Galen was fuming. Orson was accusing him of something that never happened! "I never said I wasn't in a relationship before!"

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