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So how are Orson and Lyra doing while they wait for help? Let's find out!

Also, the above song (a short before the Disney Pixar movie Inside Out) reminds me of Galennic for some weird reason.

I don't own anything.
"Sixty-six jugs of blue milk on the wall,
Sixty-six jugs of blue milk!
Take one down, pass it around!
Sixty-five jugs of blue milk on the wall!"

"Shut up, Orson!" Lyra grabbed Orson by the collar and threw him to the ground. Again. "I've had enough with that song!"

"But I'm almost halfway!" Orson complained. "Come on! Help me finish the song! It's not like we have anything else to do."

"We could be TRYING TO ESCAPE!!! And possibly SAVING OXYGEN!!"

Orson rolled his eyes. "We are saving oxygen. Somehow."

"You damned singing is not saving oxygen!"

"Well neither is your shouting!"

Lyra opened her mouth to refute that but then realized Orson had a pretty good point. She sighed and said "Touché."

Orson sighed and he shut up with the song. He and Lyra walked side by side, their strides slow and lumbering. Both had been walking for a long time, perhaps an hour or so, searching for another exit. Orson wanted to rest, he wanted to get out of this cave, but most of all, he wanted to see Galen He also wanted to pee since he really had to go, but he didn't feel like taking the time to free himself from all his winter clothing. He figured he could wait until a more convenient time. Plus, he wasn't so keen on doing it around Lyra.

They found an iced over lake. Lyra decided to set up camp near the lake for who knows why, though Orson had no complaints. As soon as she announced that they would stop here, he flopped to the ground. Lyra took off his backpack and let him lay there while she counted up the rations between the two of them. "Tch, a day's worth for both of us. This oughta be a wonderful experience." She pulled out the water canisters and took a glance inside each one. "And at least two days of water supply. We'll have to go extremely sparingly if we want to survive for a few days. Hopefully Galen won't take that long to find help."

Orson shifted so he could face her. "Of all the things that could have gone wrong, it had to be this. And the devil just had to put us two together."

"The Devil wears Prada," Lyra commented. "It disguises itself and does things in favor of its victims and then bites them." Orson stared at her. This woman was going crazy. He asked Lyra for a clarification. "It was by fate that I tried to grab a greenish Crystal and got my hand stuck. Then you and Galen came alone and free me. We get so close to the doorway and BOOM! We're stuck."

"I... would never have put it that way..." Orson commented. He sat up because the ice was getting cold along his side. "I've got a question. What do we do while we wait for help? Obviously we have to find a way to keep in contact with Galen and crew while we stay in the cave."

"We could have camped out at the front door but you wanted to find an exit."

Orson thought about this. Yes, he wanted to get out but there was something that told him to explore deeper into the cave. If they were able to find an opening out of this cave before help arrived, they could save hundreds of minutes. Orson really hoped so. He wanted to be with Galdn again. He couldn't bear being away from the scientist. Which was why he considered asking Galen if he could sleep with him once they got out.

Galennic              [#Wattys2017]Where stories live. Discover now