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I was watching Netflix's Bloodline last night and I saw the penultimate episode of Season 1. And I started crying because one scene was FREEKING FEELSY!!! (Not giving any spoilers just in case some of you readers decide to watch it). Now, I never cry at anything so this surprised me a lot. So after the episode was over I jumped on to Wattpad and typed up anther chapter just to give myself a break before I went to bed (it was like 00-01 o'clock when I finished).

I don't own anything.
The day had finally arrived. And Orson was late. He raced through the hallways, unsure of what platform bay they were supposed to be meeting at. Chaos was everywhere, between new students coming in for their summer semester and other students pushing to get out to summer vacation. There were the groups that were trying to gather friends to leave the place and luggage was everywhere.

Orson crashed into Lyra and fell over. Lyra grabbed him by the hair and yanked him up. "Watch where you're going, you ass!" She shouted.

Orson was about to snap something back when Galen walked over. He quickly pushed Lyra off him. "Hi Galen!" He said happily. "I was just looking for you!"

"Great!" Exclaimed Galen. Then he turned to Lyra. "Why were you holding Orson by his hair?"

"Oh, um, well he tripped and I made an attempt to catch him... and I grabbed him by his hair..." Lyra lied.

"Yeah!" Orson placed his hand on her shoulder. "Thanks Lyra!"

Wait... Let's back up to about two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, after a fist fight that resulted in Lyra having a black eye and Orson spraining his wrist, the two came around and agreed to a compromise. Neither liked seeing Galen upset when they fought so Lyra and Orson focused on being nice to each other around Gelen. Things worked out and Orson and Lyra learned how to have their disputes behind Galen's back. In fact, they rarely spoke to one another unless it was something like "fuck off" or another line similar. It was only around Galen did they talk to each other. Lyra and Orson even went as far as to wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders (which was easy because they were the same height now) to pretend they were good friends now. But the minute Galen turned his back, Orson stamped on Lyra toes.

They argued a lot. The two had a disagreement about everything and would fight until Galen came along or their reasoning for their argument (whatever it was) became stupid that someone finally said "Why are we doing this?" Then they would either keep arguing or change the argument.

And that's a wrap. Back to the present.

Galen held out his hand towards Orson. Orson's heart leapt and he reached out to take it. Galen was such a romantic! "Paperwork first, then holding hands," Galen said, yanking his hand out of Orson's reach. Orson whined softly but handed the paperwork to Galen. "Great. I'll be right back. Get your stuff in the ship, Orson. Lyra, start up the ship. We don't want the engines to freeze before we begin."

Orson boarded the ship. A Rodian met him at the ship ramp. "You part of Erso's Kyber Crystal research?" She asked.

"Yeah," said Orson.

"Awesome! I'm Miyah Weksin." She helped Orson carry his stuff in and brought him to a room with four bunks. "You'll be living here for five weeks along with the other boys on this ship. Hope you don't mind. And try to keep it somewhat neat."

"I sure will! Neat is almost like second nature to me!" No it wasn't. But Orson wanted to make a good first impression. "Thanks!" Orson smiled at Miyah and dragged his stuff inside. Then he went outside to find Galen.

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