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I was bored so I wrote another chapter. To kick it off, here's some really cute Galennic fan art but someone. Please comment the artist's name of you know who it is!

Also, I think Orson and Lyra's relationship in this book is almost comical

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Also, I think Orson and Lyra's relationship in this book is almost comical. It's like they took frenemies to the next level.

I don't own anything.
"Thirty-three jugs of blue milk on the wall!"

"Thirty-three jugs of blue milk!"

"Fill one up-"

"Put it back up-"

"Thirty-four jugs of blue milk on the wall!" Lyra and Orson chorused. They had already counted down and now they were going back up. The two had collected a pile of Kyber crystals from a crystal patch they found and had returned to the frozen lake, which they stayed at since it was in close relation to the front door. Now they were trying to melt an ice block with the crystals. Orson figured if they could melt the ice block, they could probably hold a decent water supply for however long they needed.

"After all," he had said. "A human being is able to go three weeks without food but only three days without water."

"And three seconds without air," Lyra had added.

Back to the present, Orson was smashing a Kyber crystal against an ice block. Lyra was using a pick axe with a Kyber Crystal tied to it to try and break the ice. She had some commentary about his jagged movements and gritted face. "You know, you look like you're trying to beat the pulp out of that ice block."

"This damned thing won't even break the ice! How are we supposed to replenish a water supply if we can't melt the ice!"

"You're chipping at the ice. I would think that's enough."

Orson got up. "I'm going to go back to the crystal field."

"Don't get lost!" Lyra shouted. "I know how bad you are with directions!"

"Shut up! Oh, and we were at jug thirty-three, right?"


"I meant to say that."

Orson wandered around until he found the crystal field. There were so many crystals here! The ground, the walls, the ceiling, all covered in Kyber crystals that represented stalagmites and stalactites. With some difficulty, and the help of his own pick axe, Orson pulled one out. The crystal had a yellowish glow to it. Orson wondered if that meant it was warmer than the other crystals and so he pocketed it.

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