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Look! I already remember this book!! Jk I wrote this chapter right after the other but I didn't post it until now.

I still do not own anything and I probably never will.
Galen had fallen asleep. His head was nestled in Orson's arm and his body was curled up into a tight ball. The only thing that wasn't in the body ball was his hand, which was gently gripping Orson's shirt.

Back up a little. Orson had managed to cheer Galen up from his crying. He then brought Galen out to dinner. After they had a relaxing silent meal, they laid outside in one of the courtyards and stared at the stars. Orson began telling Galen what did this summer. He told about his architect job and babysitting jobs. He talked about Thrawn and Thrass. He recalled meeting the girl who was obsessed with Galen just like he was and how they fought over him... physically... He rambled about begging his head off for a pet and his parents got him a goldfish, which he named after Galen. He also said how he had decided to save up his money to buy himself a dingo dog, a loth cat, and an iguana (Orson wanted an iguana because his mother was grossed out by them). Then Orson talked about how much he loved animals, and if he heading gone for architecture, he would have liked to go into the veterinary field.

At some point, Orson stopped talking. He realized Galen wasn't listening anymore. Galen had fallen asleep against him. Orson smiled at Galen's rested expression. Galen looked so peaceful, and the moonlight off his cheek made the scientist even more handsome than he already was.

He played with a lock of Galen's hair as he stared at his boyfriend. He thought about how he had stolen his mother's credits card and gone down to the local store back at home to buy some hair gel. He then tried to give himself a neat combover like Galen. Things didn't work out and Orson's mother scolded and grounded him for getting hair gel everywhere in the bathroom. He was forced to clean the bathroom, his mom's comb (he had just washed it before he started!), and pay her back for the bottle of gel.

He never did achieve that comb over. Yet he kept trying...

Orson's arm was falling asleep. He carefully slipped it out from under Galen and then pulled his boyfriend's fingers off his shirt. Galen was now just sleeping alone on the ground. Orson decided it was time for him to bring Gaken to bed and so he placed his arms under Galen's knees and neck and tried to life Galen.

He failed. Orson stopped, out of fear that he would wake or hurt Galen with all the straining he was doing. How the heck was Galen so heavy!? Orson found it unfair that Galen could lift him. Why couldn't he life Galen?! And so Orson did three things:

1. He pouted about how unfair it was for another minute.

2. He considered making a trolley, putting Galen on it, rolling him to their room, and then rolling him up a ramp so he could put Galen on the bed.

3. He called Lyra.

Of course, Orson decided to call when Lyra was half asleep. "The hell do you want?" Lyra grumbled into the com.

Orson felt sheepish as he admitted it to her. "Um... I-I can't pick up Galen..."

"Get someone who has a ship license to."

"N-No... he fell asleep on the g-ground. I can't p-pick him up."

For a moment, there was complete silence on the other side of the line. And then Lyra soft "oh my Kriff" could be heard through the com. Lyra sighed heavily and said "Where are you?"

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