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Welp. I told myself I could t write another Galennic chapter until I had finished another chapter in my other story Rogue TXT. Look how well I stuck to that idea...

Not too much Galennic in here. Just a filler chapter that will help move the plot along later in the book.

Still don't own anything.
Orson twirled a long axel rod he made out of Size 12 Lego axels and bushings. It had been five hours since they leapt into hyperspace and he was growing extremely bored. He sat in the cockpit in his designated seat, one towards the back of the area. He was the only one there because everyone else had known just how long the trip was going to be and had brought something to keep themselves entertained.

Orson sighed. What was Galen doing right now? Galen seemed to have plenty of things to do between checking in with his teacher and working on some machine of his. Orson wanted to help Galen but Galen had said he didn't need the help. So Orson was bored.

Oraki came into the cockpit. "You should come into the back and play holochess with me. You've been in this cockpit for at least ten minutes spinning that thing."

"I guess you're right." Orson got up and bit his lip. His legs were stiff from not moving around much. The ship was fairly large, big enough to house to large makeshift sleeping quarters for seven people, have a small kitchen, carry supplies for more than five weeks for the seven as well as the machinery and tools they needed once they got there, and still had plenty of room to bring anything back. Yet for the teenager's energetic spirit, the ship was cramped and he wasn't allowed to run around in it.

Oraki and Orson arrived in the room wth the holochess board. Miyah and Lyra were playing with it. So far, Lyra was winning and Miyah looked frustrated. Lyra was nibbling on some pastry of hers (she loved pastries and like Galen, Orson noticed she ate a lot). "You take too long to move, Miyah," she said.

"Well, excuse me!" Miyah shot back with a bit of an annoyed tone in her voice. "I'm thinking!"

"You should eat brain food. Here, have a pastry." Lyra held out a little container with pastries in it.

Miyah shook her head. "I'll pass. I'm not a big fan of sweets."

"I'll have one," Orson said. He walked over and plucked one out. As he did so, he whispered in Lyra's ear "i can't believe I have to be nice to you for five Kriffing weeks."

"When we are done with this trip, I'm throwing you off a cliff," Lyra responded. Orson took the pastry and stood next to Oraki, nibbling on the sweet and watching the game.

Miyah moved her chess piece. Orson could already see what was going to happen before it did and he said to Miyah "Bad move." Lyra then moved and won the game.

"Aw, come on!" Miyah yelled. "Why are you so good!?"

"I play this a lot," said Lyra. "Yo, Oraki and Orson, wanna play?"

"Yeah! Tournament style chess!" Said Oraki. Lyra reset the board and she and Miyah swapped places with Orson and Oraki. "Good luck, Orson. Don't be too disappointed if you end up on the losing side," Oraki teased.

"I don't need luck. I plan to keep my streak of a hundred wins going," Orson responded. And with that, the game began.

Within twelve moves, Orson could see the end result of the game and he had a feeling Oraki saw it too. Orson had the better development and had control over the center of the board, the most important part of the beginning. This gave him room to move his pieces around freely, driving Oraki's pieces into corners.

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