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Fun fact: I rarely delete anything I write. Like the original storyline for this chapter (which was Lyra running to Lexrul and meeting Orson). I know I'll never use that storyline in this book but some of the dialogue and scenery descriptions were very well written in my opinion and so I kept it. Heck, I even kept the massive argument between Galen and Orson that was supposed to take place in chapter 14 (I'll probably use some of that material later on, though).

I don't own anything.
Orson was up by 04:30 that morning. It was the morning he was going to see Galen! He slid down the banister and scarfed down his cereal in less than five minutes. He was taking his last few bites before his mother came down the stairs and into the kitchen. She looked like a wild mess with her bed hair and if Orson hadn't known it was his mother he would have screamed and ran.

"Orson! For Kriff's sake, it's four in the morning!" She said in a loud whisper.

"No, it's 04:40," Orson corrected. "I let you s-sleep in for forty minutes."

His mother sighed and sat down next to him. "I know you're excited to head back to the Republic's Futures Program again but we have all day to get there."

"But I wanna g-get there early!" Orson whined. Technically, he wanted to get there early just to spend the free time with Galen. He had literally been counting down the hours to see his boyfriend. Once it was in the 24 hour range, Orson began to count minutes, too.

His mother nodded. "We'll leave as soon as we have everything ready. Make sure you have all your books, clothes, paperwork, rubber band ball, and of course your Legos. We don't want you growing up yet." She kissed the top of Orson's head and then left to wake his father.

While Orson waited for his parents to ready themselves, he double checked all his stuff, packed the family ship, and went to say goodbye to his pet goldfish. His parents finally let him have a pet and though Orson wanted a loth cat or a dingo dog, he got a goldfish and he was happy. He even named it... well let's see if you as the reader can figure out the name. Hint: it starts with a G.

Orson fed his goldfish and then watched it swim around, snatching up the little flakes that drifted across the water's surface. Suddenly he heard the door open behind him. He turned to see his father standing there. "Orson, are you gonna play with your pet or see your best friend?"

'Boyfriend!' Orson wanted to correct. Instead he said "Yeah!" Orson said. He bounded to his feet. "Bye G-Galen!" He said, waving to his goldfish. Then he followed his dad out to the ship.

The whole flight over, Orson read his list of things to do with Galen Erso (not Galen the Goldfish). He couldn't wait to try them all! He even wondered if he should do some serious love with Galen. Hopefully, Galen wouldn't mind trying it with a newbie. Basically, Galen already knew how to do sex since he did it with Lyra and for once, Orson was happy she did because the whole process might be very confusing for him.

Then he heard someone say his name. Orson snapped out of his trance and saw both his parents staring at him. "Are you feeling well?" Yasmine asked.

"B-Better than well!" Orson replied. "Why?" He squirmed a little as his mother placed her hand on his forehead. "I'm fine, M-Mom!"

"Okay. Your eyes were glazed over." Orson shrugged innocently. If only they knew what was on his mind. "Also, you missed when we told you we were here."

Orson nearly clipped his mother's chin as he shot out of his seat and bolted to the nearest window. Sure enough, they were at the Republic's Futures Program building. It looked just like how he left it, students pushing each other to get in and out of the building. Orson watched with awe in his eyes.

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