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Where we last left off, Galen agreed to go on a date with Orson.

I don't own anything.
Orson usually didn't like to dress up. He hated the stiff feel and the scratchiness of the clothing. He disliked having to seem so mature in front of grown-ups when all he wanted to do was act like himself. He remembered the yelling contests he and his parents had about if he had to go or not. Sometimes his mother would have to drag him to the occasion by his ear after somehow managing to put him in fancy clothes.

But tonight was different. Orson went through his clothing and found the neatest looking clothes that weren't a school uniform. He spent a good amount of time playing with his hair in front of a mirror. "Honestly, Orson." Quint said in a bored tone. "It's just Galen Erso. It wouldn't take something big to impress him."

"You don't understand!" Orson shouted.

"Please, I'm 22, I think I have a clear idea how romance works. And knowing Galen from last year, he'd be impressed if you were naked. He's blown away by a letter block. I saw him chucking a letter block across his roo-"

"Shut up!" Orson snapped.

"Someone's short-tempered tonight. Better not let Galen see that." Orson wanted to strangle Quint. But Quint was his only romantic advice reference and he realized that without Quint, he might as well have never set up the date in the first place. He glanced at the time, looked at himself in the mirror one more time, and then left. "Good luck!" Quint yelled after him. "Hey! Do you wanna take your rubber band ball?"


Orson walked down to the section of he platform where he first met Galen. Galen was already there, staring out into the distance. He was wearing a simple suit and tie, yet Orson felt like he was going to faint from Galen's beauty. The older man smiled at him as Orson approached. Damn, he was cute.

"Hello, Krennic. Ready to go?" Galen asked. Orson felt slightly disappointed that Galen hasn't called him by his first name. But it wasn't too bad. Both his first name and last name rolled off Galen's tongue so beautifully.

"Yeah," said Orson. He reached over a little to take Galen's hand but realized he couldn't do that since Galen had his hands in his pockets. Dammit.

They walked down to Olive Garden almost in complete silence. Orson keep trying to make small talk with Galen, mainly about the weather. He really didn't know what else to talk about. Galen would reply with short and concise answers that sounded like he was interested in the conversation, though Orson couldn't tell if he was lying or not. Galen also seemed to be taken away the scenery as they walked, which was both great and annoying to Orson. Galen wasn't lost in Orson's looks as Orson was lost in his. At least he wouldn't be weirded out by the fact that Orson was almost constantly staring at him.

They arrived at the restaurant and found somewhere to sit. "So!" Galen said. "How long have you been here?"

"Two weeks," Orson answered. He tried to keep a straight face in front of Galen. 'This is only a friendly get-together,' he thought. But his heart couldn't give a damn. 'OMGOMGOMGOMG I'M ON A DATE WITH GALEN ERSO HOLY BONTHAS keep it together Orson NO WAY THIS IS TOO INCREDIBLE I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!' Orson was unable to stop smiling and blushing.

Whatever Galen thought about him, he certainly didn't make it clear. The scientist talked to him as though he was an adult and an old time friend. Even though most of the conversation flew in one ear and out the other, Orson felt pretty happy he was able to respond to most of what Galen asked him. This was wonderful!

They ordered dinner when the waiter came. As they waited for the food, Galen asked him "So how do you like being here?"

"Good. I really like it." There was no lying there. Had he not been invited here, Orson would have never met Galen. "How long have you been here?"

"This is my third year," said Galen.

Orson felt his heart drop. Did the four-year rule apply here? Was Galen going to graduate next year. He did his best to hide his disappointment as he asked "Soo... you're going to graduate next year?"

"Yeah," said Galen. "I am." He sighed. "Honestly, I'm not too excited about it. I really like this place."

'Maybe you can stay here longer?' Thought Orson. He then realized he had also said it out loud. He was going to say something stupid to Galen tonight, wasn't he?

Galen looked thoughtful. "I was thinking about. I might do it."

Orson wanted to squeal with glee (thankfully he didn't). That meant he could spent more time with Galen and then they could fall deeply in love and get married and maybe have a child and-

'Stop it, Orson!' He thought 'You're getting too carried away with your fantasies!' At that point the waiter came and Orson was glad he could make a regular conversation in front of Galen without freaking out that he might say something stupid.

As they ate, Galen resumed their small talk. "You're here for architecture, right?"

Galen knew what he came here for? Did he stalk him too!?? Orson stop his mind to shut up and stop letting his desires run away. "Y-Yeah," he stammered. "Architecture, that's right."

"I'll bet you're good at geometry."

Orson nodded. "Geometry is amazing."

"It is," Galen admitted. "I'm not too strong at it myself but I know a fair amount."

Orson wanted to say 'Want me to help you??' but that sounded weird and he figured he should just keep his mouth- "I could help you if you want." The teen wanted to face palm again. Why was his brain so stupid?

Galen raised an eyebrow. "Really? Well then, if it's not too much trouble, I wouldn't mind you helping me prove a scientific theory I have through geometry."

"Certainly! I'll help!"

"What do you say we hang out tomorrow afternoon?"

"Well... I think I might have some sort of test the following day," he said. "I dunno... "

"Orson, tomorrow is Friday. You don't have school the following day."

Orson looked down, his cheeks even redder than before. Apparently that lie fell short. But at least he had a good reason to join Galen. "In that case, I can help you for sure!"

"Excellent," said Galen. "I'll text you my dorm number later on."

For the rest of the evening, Galen and Orson talked about what they liked/disliked/anything that wasn't too personal. Orson found out Galen liked a lot of things similar to what he likes and it made his crush expand even more. So when dinner was finished, Orson wished he could grab seconds so he didn't have to go back to his dorm. This was the best night of his life and he didn't want it to end.

Galen paid for the meal (which Orson was glad about because his Ackley bank was seriously lacking any credits). Then they took the long route back to Orson's dorm.

As they walked back, Orson kept glancing down at Galen's large hand, which was in the scientist's pockets again. He wondered what they felt like.

Then he noticed Galen was looking at him. Orson quickly shrank away and looked down, his cheeks flushing more than ever.

Galen sighed, shaking his head a little, a small chuckle escaping his throat. He took his hands out of his pockets. Orson waited no time taking his hand. He felt Galen's fingers wrap around his small hand and give it a small squeeze. Yep, this was the best day ever.
Happy Star Wars Celebration everyone!

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