9; the one where her hair changes

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"Derek you need to listen to me-"

"I am listening to you, I just don't think this means anything."

"But Deaton said-"

"Then go to Deaton."

Scott threw his hands up in the air in frustration, sighing.

"Allison nearly shot Lydia," Scott admitted, and Derek's head snapped up to look at him.

"I wouldn't of thought she was one to miss," Derek said, folding his arms.

"She didn't," Scott said, "but Isaac caught the arrow."

Derek sighed and frowned, as he usually did.

"Derek, Allison thought she saw Kate;" Scott confessed, and Derek's head snapped up again, his eyes wide.

"That's impossible," Derek scoffed, "Kate's dead. She is not in Beacon Hills- Kate is dead."

"Who is Kate?" Faelyn's voice drifted from the staircase, and both werewolves looked to her.

"Don't worry about it Fae," Scott said as she walked down the stairs, "hypothetical stuff."

"I don't know what that word means," Faelyn admitted, "but I trust you."

Scott smiled, rubbing the back of his neck as Faelyn walked to the table they were standing around.

"What is happening?" Faelyn asked, and Scott opened his mouth to tell her but a glare from Derek was enough for him to shut it.

"Nothing, don't worry Faelyn," Scott smiled, but Faelyn frowned.

"I'll always worry about you all," she said, "you're the only friends I've got."

"Don't worry about me," Scott smiled, before frowning, "worry about your hair!"

"My hair?" Faelyn asked, and she held it, and Scott picked up a piece that was going brown, "my hair!"

She ran into the bathroom, the two boys behind her as she looked in the mirror, investigating the strip of hair that was now fully brown.

"Oh my god, my hair," she whispered in fear, "it looks horrific."

"It's not that bad," Scott lied, earning an elbow in his side from Derek.

"It's awful!" She cried, a tear slipping out of her eye as Derek stepped forward.

"Hey, its fine, it'll be okay," Derek said, feeling slightly stupid for comforting a girl over her hair. But then again, Faelyn wasn't just any girl.

"I'll call Lydia. She can fix this," Scott said, pulling out his phone, before freezing, "what if it's something to do with her tree?"

Both heads snapped up to look at Scott.

"Maybe her as her immortality is slipping, her hair is changing to a more... mortal colour," Scott explained, and Derek nodded.

"Call Lydia," he said, and Scott nodded, leaving the bathroom. Faelyn turned to the mirror, her eyes filled with tears as Derek stood behind her.

"It looks horrible," she muttered, fiddling with it.

"It looks fine," Derek replied instantly, taking her hand over her shoulder and bringing it down to her side so she stopped fiddling with her hair, "you'll be fine."

"I'll look... not like me," she complained softly, and Derek shook his head.

"But you'll still be you," Derek said, taking a step closer to her as he kept holding her hand, "and you'll be fine."

She looked at him in the mirror, and he nodded at her, and that reassured her enough to nod back.

"Lydia said let it change. Once it's all brown, she'll do something with it," Scott said, walking back in the room, "okay?"

Faelyn looked back to Derek, and he nodded once more, so she nodded too, smiling lightly at Scott.

"Thank you," she murmured, squeezing Derek's hand before she walked out of the bathroom.

"Just think about what I said," Scott turned to Derek, "I really do think something is going on."

Derek exhaled sharply but nodded, and Scott sighed in relief, nodding.

"You know, she trusts you," Scott said, and Derek's head snapped to him.

"Faelyn," he explained, "she trusts you. You can see it in her eyes."

Derek wanted to deny it, to shake it off, but he realised how right Scott was, and how happy he was that Scott was right.

"Go home Scott," he nodded, "spend the last day of summer with your friends."

Scott sighed, but nodded, bidding Faelyn goodbye as he left the loft.

Derek sighed deeply as he walked into the main room of the loft, laughing silently as he saw Faelyn by the large loft window again.

"You have to get sick of that view eventually," Derek said with a small smile, and she shook her head, not turning around.

"Are you okay?" He instantly frowned, and she nodded as a tear slipped from her eye.

"I miss my mother," she said hoarsely, "and my father. It's just- my hair was the same as my mother's and sister's. And now it's turning brown, like my fathers; it's just bringing up memories."

He nodded as he sat down beside her, looking out the window.

"Can you help me find them?" She whispered, and Derek looked to her.

"My sister, she is dead, but I have hope that my parents are still out there. Will you help me?" Faelyn said, a tone of begging in her voice, and Derek couldn't help but nod.

She smiled sadly as she sniffed, shuffling her closer to him as she leant her head on his shoulder, taking his hand as they looked out the window.

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