11; the one where she finds her father

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Faelyn and Derek pushed through the doors, as Scott and Stiles lead them through. They slowed down as they stood outside the sheriff's office. Faelyn could see the back of a man's head, and her heart fluttered at the thought of it being her father.

"Just stay here," Stiles told Faelyn, "I'll get him out now." Stiles walked into the office, and Scott smiled as Faelyn as he followed Stiles.

Faelyn' hands shook as she took a seat, and Derek looked at her cautiously as he took a seat beside her. She rested her elbows on her knees as her face was buried in her hands.

"You okay?" Derek asked cautiously, not wanting to invade on whatever thoughts were flying through her head.

"I'm scared," she mumbled, looking up at the wall in front of her as his gaze was on her blank face, "I haven't seen my father in under a century. I can't remember what happened to me or where I'm from. I-I just don't know."

Derek nodded, opening his mouth to say something, but the opening door cut him off.

"Faelyn," the Sheriff smiled supportively, holding the door open for her, "come on in."

Faelyn stood quickly, but made no attempt to step forward. Lydia rushed into the waiting room, panting slightly as she walked over and held her hand, "hey, you okay?"

Faelyn nodded, her nervous eyes on the door. She looked back at Derek, and he nodded. The Sheriff saw this; he saw how she trusted Derek to know what was right, and how he so easily reassured her without knowing.

"I'll wait out here," Derek told her, and she looked at him anxiously. "I'll be right out here," he reassure her with a nod, and she nodded before looking to the door.

Faelyn took a deep breath before walking into the Sheriff's office, the man turning to face her as her blank facade dropped.

"Papa," she said quietly, and he nodded, smiling at the girl. "Faelyn," he breathed out, walking towards the small girl and hugging her close as she cried, clutching onto him.

"You're okay," Alexander mumbled reassurances, "oh my, I have missed you."

"Where is mother?" Faelyn asked she pulled her tear stained face back to look at him.

Alexander frowned as Lydia and Stiles shared a look, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Faelyn asked quietly, and Alexander sighed.

"Your mother, she's missing."


I know it's been forever since I've updated, sorry :(

But please please please please DO NOT COMMENT 'update' 'update soon' 'plz update'

That just makes me not want to update

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