Preference #8 You were a bet part 1

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You were a bet


You were in your walk in wardrobe, trying to pick your outfit for the day. Today was your 6 month anniversary with your boyfriend Calum. The wardrobe doors were shut because the other guys were here and you didn’t want them to walk in. ‘Where is she?’ You thought Luke asked. You stayed silent, tiptoeing towards the door trying to listen into their conversation. ‘No. I’m sure she is out. Look, the deal. It’s done, but I don’t want the money.’ At first you thought he was doing drugs. ‘I just want it over, I’m staying with her. I love her.’ You were starting to get the picture, but you kept listening. ‘Look, you said you would date her for 6 months, then break it off whatever feelings for £200. Now it has been 6 months.’ You thought Ashton and Michael explained together. So you were a bet. ‘I’m not breaking up with her.’ Calum said. ‘That’s cool, you just don’t get the money.’ Luke said. You didn’t listen, you just kept packing your bags, tears blurring your vision. You thought Calum was the one, but he only used you. Eventually you had everything, just needed to get out. You opened the wardrobe door, seeing no in your room. You quickly sneaked out, running down the stairs. You heard the boys playing in the games room. ‘Hey babe!’ You heard Calum shout, but you ignored him. Running right past them and out the door.


‘All I am is a bet?’ You whispered harshly. ‘You slept with me, pretended to love me and care for me for money?’ Your voice was growing loser, more emotion put into it. ‘You’re disgusting. I can’t believe I ever thought I loved you. It was all a picture. Just a lie, one whole year was a lie.’ You didn’t let Luke speak. He attempted but your voice was over powering to his. ‘please, let me explain-’ ‘This is over. You know what?! It never actually started, there was no relationship between us. We were never together, it appeared it was only in my mind!’ You said, starting to get angry at yourself. ‘How could I have been so stupid.’ You where’d, looking at Luke in the eye. ‘I thought you were the one. You asshole.’ Those were the last words you said before walking out, letting him run after you with all these excuses but you didn’t listen. ‘It’s done.’ You said to yourself as soon as you left the building. You tried to leave all your feelings behind but it was useless.


Ashton was at band practise, but he left his phone at home. It kept going off, but you ignored it. You were trying to read, but his stupid music kept going off. You eventually gave up, throwing your book down and going to peak at his phone. ‘One month is up!’ ‘You did it how was it?’ ‘Well I guess I owe you 20 quid.’ Those were the three texts he got. He also had two alarms saying ‘One moth! You did it well done!’ You got confused, so you started digging. You looked at his calendar, one month ago. ‘Bet had started.’ You frowned, what bet?’ You sat back, and started to think. One month today. One month today he asked you out. Suddenly all the pieces in the puzzle started to fit. The tears didn’t fall immediately, but gradually they fell down your cheeks. You only had a few things around. where Ashton was staying, so you picked them up and placed them in a bag and left.


Michael was terrible at keeping secrets, as you had learned over time. Everything he got told, you got told. You were surprised at how long he kept this secret. He told you yesterday, it took a lot of convincing. But you had somehow figured out there was something going on. He told you that a couple of months ago it was your one years anniversary and at that point the bet was over. He started it for fun, but he realized his feelings for you and he called it off. Your whole relationship was a bet. You were angry with him for wasting your time, you hit him. You thought he was the one. You let him explain, but you thought it was just a lie so you walked.

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