Preference #56 BSM He Finds Out You Have A Boyfriend

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BSM  He Finds Out You Have A Boyfriend 

Luke: “Hey, can I use your phone for a second?” Luke asked. “Yeah,” you replied, unlocking your screen and handing it to him. You weren’t paying him much mind as he made a quick phone call, but then your phone buzzed. You didn’t think anything of it, until Luke asked, “Who is Drew and why do you have kissy faces by his name?” Your face flushed. See, Drew was your, well, secret boyfriend. Secret because of your overprotective, slightly evil brothers. “He’s my friend…” you stuttered, trying to grab your phone away from Luke. “You talk to your friends this way?!” he exclaimed, scolling through your texts. “I didn’t even know you knew what half of these words meant.” “LUKE!” you jumped at him. “I ain’t giving you this phone back you dirty girl. Disgusting. You’re grounded.” “LUKE YOU DICK!”

Ashton: You were curled up in the corner of your room crying when there was a knock on the door. “You want to ride to the store with me?” your brother called through your door. You cleared your throat so you wouldn’t sound like you were crying, but Ashton knew as soon as he heard the word no leave your mouth. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked as he entered the room. “No reason.” “Don’t lie to me, what’s wrong?” He sat down beside of you. “Nothing Ash, please leave me alone.” He sighed. “Alright, I gonna sit here until you tell me why you’re so upset.” And he did. He sat there for fifteen minutes until you opened up. “My boyfriend and I got into a fight.” “Boyfriend? What boyfriend?” Ashton questioned. “His name is Mitchell… we’ve been dating for a few months. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to start treating me like a little girl,” you told him. “Well what happened?” “He was upset with me, I guess, because I was talking to my friend, who happened to be a guy…” “Are you serious?” You nodded. Ashton stood up. “Where is this guy? Thinks he’s gonna tell my sister what she can and can’t do.” “Ash, calm down. I broke up with him. I’m not stupid. It just… hurts.” “Oh babe,” he said, sitting back down beside you and wrapping his arms around you. “There will be other guys,” he said. “Course, they won’t be as cool as your big brother…”

Calum: “Finally,” you smiled as you snuggled into your boyfriend. Your brother had been home for a few weeks, and all he wanted to do was spend time with you since he’d been gone for so long. So it had been a few days since you were able to see your boyfriend. The two of you snuck away to the movies. He kissed the side of your head as you watched the pre-movie advertisements on the screen. It was a wonderful moment, until your brother and his best friends walked in. “Uh oh…” you mumbled as Calum looked right at you, a confused look on his face. “Who’s this?” he asked as he approached the two of you. “Uh… Cal. This is my boyfriend, Ben.” “Hi!” Ben exclaimed, reaching out a hand to shake Calum’s. Calum shook his hand hard. “So what are your intentions with my sister, Ben?” “Cal! Not now!”

Michael: “HOLY SHIT!” a voice screamed as the living room light cut on to reveal you and your boyfriend, both shirtless and rolling around on the couch. “Mike!” you yelled back, scurrying to cover yourself up. “What are you doing?!” “I didn’t know you were coming home!” “WHY WERE YOU ON TOP OF MY SISTER?!” he screamed at your boyfriend. “She’s my girlfriend dude, step off.” “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!” You hadn’t seen Michael this angry in a while, so you gave your boyfriend a look telling him to get the hell out of there. “Mikey, chill out…” “Chill out! Don’t tell me to chill out. Wait til I tell Mom! She’ll never let you leave the house again!” he said, pulling out his phone. “DON’T CALL MOM!” you chased after him. “DON’T BE SNEAKING BOYS INTO THE HOUSE THEN!”

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