Preference #16 You're in a coma

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You're in a coma


(His P.O.V) I look at (Y/N)’s lifeless body. She been there, not moving barely breathing for a week. God I’m such an idiot. Why did I have to get angry at her, I didn’t mean to. The stress of the album and label got to me. I let out a shaky sigh. “I sorry I made you run away. If I didn’t yell at you, you would’ve have ran.” I whispered, squeezing (Y/N)’s hand softly. “You need to stop blaming yourself mate.” I hear Michael’s voice from the door. “Michael If I didn’t yell at her she would be at home with me in my arms, not here, on this hospital bed.” I sniffles. “Not being able to even move, talk or anything.” I feel Michael come over and pat my back. “It will get better, but I think it’s time for you to go home.” He said softly and I shake my head. “No.” I muttered. “I’m not leaving until see her eyes open and hear her voice again.” I look at Michael. “And nothing will stop me from not leaving her side.”


Luke stands outside your room. He’s too terrified to enter, he doesn’t want to see his worst nightmare be right in front of him. “Luke you have to see her, maybe it will help her wake up if you hold her hand.” Calum says trying to bring Luke’s hopes up and to get him threw that door. “I’m just so scared Cal, the love of my life is there in a coma and I couldn’t save her from it.” His bottom lip begins to quiver. “How could people be so cruel? Why can’t they understand that she makes me happy? How could she think about leaving me forever?” He sniffles and looks at the door. “I know Luke but the best thing now is to be by her side. You never know when she will wake up.” Calum says softly and Luke sighs then nods. Luke took a deep breath before entering the room. He felt his heart hit the ground as he saw you laying there almost lifeless. He carefully sat next to you and took your hand before breaking out in sobs. “I’m so sorry (Y/N), please wake up I need you. Please.”


“So I guess dates aren’t my things I guess.” He chuckles softly and sighs. He feels hopeless it’s almost been 4 months that the love of his life was there not being able to move. “I wanted are 4th year together to be special but I guess the car crash didn’t do good for the both of us.” He sighs looking at the huge cast on his leg before looking back up at you. “I’m so sorry (Y/N).” He sniffles. “I know the doctor said talking to you would help the process but it hurts me to see this even more. Trying to talk to you like everything is normal is just terrible.” He softly takes your hand in his. “Please, fight for this (Y/N). I need to hear your voice so bad, you don’t even understand.” He sniffles and puts one of his hands in his pocket. “If you wake up soon, I’ll have a surprise for you.” He whispers, opening the box. He smiles weakly as he looks at the diamond ring. “I love you, please wake up.”


“It’s time for you to go home Michael.” Ashton sigh as he walked into your hospital room. Micheal stayed silent. He looks like a mess, he haven’t showered or shaved. He refused to leave your side. “Mate it’s been 6 months! You need to take a shower and shave. I’m not being nice anymore you honestly look like a hobo.” Ashton says while crossing his arms. All Michael did was shake his head. “No, I can’t leave her? What if she wakes up and I’m not here?” He whispers before playing with your fingers lightly. “Mate she might not even-” “Don’t say that Ashton!” Michael says sternly. “I’m not giving up on her like the rest of you did. I will never give up.” He whispers that last part out and Ashton sighs. “Fine but how about you take a shower here, I’ll watch here and soon as you’re out I’ll get you some new stuff while you watch her.” Michael nods hesitantly before slowly getting up. He sneaks peeks at you as he goes to the bathroom. Not wanting for you to wake up while he isn’t by your side

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