Preference #51 You Lose Your Virginity To Him

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You Lose Your Virginity To Him (Part 2 Of #49) (Requested )

Ashton: It was his birthday, and you wanted it to be special. You decided that you wanted to have sex finally. You threw him a huge party, and midway through you walked up to him and whispered "I'm finally read to see if drummers bang harder." into his ear and then walked away. He spent the next hour trying to get everyone to leave, without seeming rude. Once the last person had left, he ran towards you and scooped you up. "You're mine for the rest of the night." He lead you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed, then turned to lock the door. He came back to the bed and starts to unzip your dress, he sees you're not wearing a bra or panties, "So you were planning this." He got a cheeky grin. You smile and nod your head. He starts to kiss you up your body and lands on your lips. You start to undo his belt and unzip his pants, sliding them down to his knees, he finished taking them off. You can see the outline of his boner from his boxers. He slips off his shirt and boxers and puts on a condom. He returns back to kissing you. He pulls back, "Are you sure you want to do this, I don't want you to feel pressured." "Ashton, of course I want to." He slowly slips himself inside of you. It is a sharp pain at first, you let out a tiny whimper, and he continues to thrust. He moved a little faster every thrust, you start to moan with pleasure "I'm going to cum." he pants. After a moment he lets out a moan of pleasure, he kisses you on the forehead. "I love you so much, and that was the best sex I have ever had."

Calum: The two of you were cuddling on his bed, he had just come home from tour, and you had been waiting for this day since he left. "Cal, remember when my dad told you to be responsible when we have sex?" He nodded, "Yeah, how could I forget." He looked over at you, "Why?" You walked over to your bag and pulled out a string of condoms. "I love the way you're thinking (Y/N)." He walks over to you and slips his hands around your waist, then slides your shirt over your head. He kisses your neck as he unclasp your bra. The he picks you up and throws you onto the bed. You let out a little giggle. He strips down naked and walks over to you. He seductively pulls your pants down. Then he slips his hands around your thong and pulls it down. You start to kiss his neck, leaving little love bites. "I can't wait any longer." He slides on a condom and pushes you on your back. He starts to kiss around your breasts as he enters, you let out a moan of pleasure as he continues. A couple moments later, he moves you around so you are straddling him. He started to slide you up and down, he started to hit your g-spot and you started to orgasm. He kept thrusting and started to moan. "I'm close" moments later he lets out a moan, he looks up at you and moves a piece of hair from your face. "I love you." he whispers.

Luke: He had been gone for a month on tour, and it was finally your time to go and be with him for a week. He picked you up at the airport, with a cheesy welcome sign. "This is why I love you." You say while holding his hand. He lifts it up to kiss the top of your hand, he looks at your fingers for a moment. "No ring I see?" You act nonchalant about it "Nope. No ring." You look over at him. "Does this mean what I think it does?" You nod yes. "Okay skipping lunch and going straight to the hotel." Luke had trouble keeping his hands off you on the way to the hotel. He held you close to him and kissed all over you neck leaving a trail of love bites. This caused you to giggle. Once the two of you got up to Luke's room he pushed you agains the wall and started to strip you, while you did the same to him. You continued to kiss passionately. Then he lead you into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and the two of you walked in. "Shower sex really?" He laughed "It's the best." He continued to kiss you as things heated up more he started to enter you. You gasped at the pain, you hadn't expected that. "Do you want me to stop?" Luke had a worried expression on his face. You shook your head no. He started to thrust again, after a whole the pain stopped. It started to feel like pleasure. Luke nibbled on your collar bone and you moaned with pleasure. He did a deep thrust and you started to orgasim. Seconds later he came as well. He continued to thrust through your highs. He pulled back and kissed you one last time before turning off the shower. The two of you wrapped yourselves in towels and then went to the bed to cuddle.

Michael: "I know I just wanted to let you know." He kissed you and whispered "I love you." You started to take off his belt and unzip his pants. You shimmy them down and he finishes taking them off. You kiss around his neck as you take off his shirt. He kisses you down from your neck to your belly button. You let out a little moan. He lets out a rough laugh, "You're already moaning and I'm not even fucking you yet." You moan again "Then start." He starts to enter you. Pleasure started to radiate around your body. He trusted deep into you, which sent a shock of pain, but it was a pain that turned you on. He got into a rhythm each time it brought you closer to cumming. He started to pant a little and moan out your name. "You're so tight, it feels amazing." Michael said between kisses. You couldn't reply back to him, you started to moan louder and louder as he hit your g-spot. You started to orgasim, he started to cum at the same time. Together you had your highs. He started to kiss you and moved to your neck, then whispered into your ear. "Look who's not a virgin anymore." You playfully slapped him, and gave him a kiss "That was amazing."

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