Preference #22 You Get a Panic Attack. Cake

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SOS Preference: You Get a Panic Attack. 


You guys were going back home from your little vacation to the beach. As soon as you got into the car you started feeling anxious. You tried to ignore it, but it was really hard. Your respiration got really heavy, you were hyperventilating. Calum just looked at you with a weird expression but didn’t say a word. You got sweaty palms and started feeling dizzy. "God, make it stop." You thought,"Please, not again." you mumbled. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Calum asked worried. "Yes, i am" you lied. "No, you’re not. whats happening?" he asked in a serious tone. You started getting trouble to talk, and to breathe. "P-panic a-attack. I-i need t-to get o-out of t-the c-car!" you said to him. He parked the car and walked over your door. As soon as he opened the door you got off the car and started searching for air. "Babe, do you need something?! water, food, anything?" he asked worried.You couldn’t even talk. He took his phone out and called someone. You felt the tears streaming down your face. "Yes, okay. Thanks Ash" he said ending the phone call. "Relax babe, everything is fine. Breathe in, and out." he said grabbing your hand and softly rubbing it."You can do this, ok? Everything is fine." He kept talking to you, until you calm down."How are you feeling?" He asked. "Better" you answered. "Why didn’t you told me you get panic attacks?" He asked. "I was ashamed…" you told him."Ashamed of what babe?" he said. "That you will think im a weirdo..""I wouldn’t think something like that darling, i love you just the way you are. As cheesy as it sounds." He said. “Oh, why did you called Ashton, Cal?” you asked. "He once got a really bad panic attack, so i thought he could help me out a bit" he said smiling. “Well, pretty wise decision Mr.Hood, I love you you smiled and kissed him. “Thank you future Mrs.Hood„ i love you too he said in a elegant way. After that event you got home safe, and happy that your boyfriend helped you a lot."Now i know he is always going to be there for me.. through the good and the bad. How did i even got so lucky?" You though.


You guys were having a lazy sunday. You couldn’t stop feeling anxious for no reason at all. Luke knew you got anxiety, but he never saw you having a panic attack, until  that day. You were laying on the bed, with Luke, when you started to hyperventilate.. really bad. "Babe, why are you breathing so loud? are you ok? He asked."Yes, i just need some air" You said standing up. you walked with great difficulty to the backyard. you opened the door and and tried to breathe, but it was really hard. you hands and your feet were feeling tingily. you had to sit down on the floor. as soon as you sat down you started to cry. you were having a panic attack. “(Y/N)! are you ok? whats wrong honey?” Luke asked sitting by your side. "I-I’m having a-a p-panic a-attack" you said, or at least you tried to. You were shaking so bad you couldn’t even walk. As soon as he understood, he took you inside and wrapped you in a blanket. "You are a strong girl. you can do this (Y/N) i know you can. i trust in you." he said stroking your hair, until you finally calmed down, "Thank you Luke" you said " You are welcome sweetie. i will always be here for you" he said. " how are you feeling?"he asked "So much better." you told him "Do you wanna keep watching the movie?" he said. "Sure, oh and Luke!" you said. "Yes?" “I love you." you said hugging him. I love you too (Y/N)” he said.

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