Preference #9 You're stressed out

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You're stressed out


You over thought everything. It was a bad habit of yours, and you hated it, but you always did it. It caused you a lot of unnecessary stress. Today was no different. School was starting again soon, and you were worried about how things would go. Would you make friends? Would you pass your classes? Would your teachers hate you? All these questions running through your mind that you really didn’t need to worry about. You hadn’t realized you were pacing the room until Luke came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. Resting his chin on your shoulder he said, “Why were you pacing, baby?” causing his warm breath to fan across your neck making you shiver. You sagged back against him, enjoying the comfort he brought. “Were you over thinking again?” Sighing, you nodded you head. You felt Luke hum against your neck, causing you to shiver again. Kissing the spot right below you ear, he whispered, “Well that’s not good. How about we go cuddle in bed and watch some movies,” while rubbing slow circled against the exposed skin on your stomach. Turning in his arms, raising your arms up to twine around his neck. Kissing him lightly, you smiled at him. “Yeah. That sounds great.” Smiling at you, he leaned down and swooped you off your feet. You snuggled into him feeling warm and safe. Looking up, you whispered, “Thank you, Luke. You’re amazing. I love you.” His smile got even bigger as he looked down to answer you. “You’re welcome. Anything so that you relax. I love you too.”


Ashton had been on tour for almost 2 months now, and the stress was starting to get to you. You missed his presence in the house. How his laugh echoed down the halls. How his smell seemed to linger wherever he went. You even missed the constant noise from his drums. You just missed him. Sure, you guys Skyped, and texted. You even watched the Keeks. But, it wasn’t the same as him being home. You hadn’t been sleeping well, missing Ash’s warm arms wrapped around you and the feeling of security it brought. You were laying on the bed when you heard your lap top ring, indicating someone was Skyping you. Crawling over to it, you clicked the answer button as soon as you saw Ash’s name. His smiling face popped up onto your screen, and you felt your eyes fill with warm tears. “Hiiii baby!” You heard his happy voice ring out. You could barely force out a smile in return in fear that your tears would over flow. Cocking his head to the side, he frowned a bit. “Baby? What’s wrong?” Clearing your throat, you said, “Uh.. I just miss you.” Squinting at you, he shook his head. “No. There’s something else. C’mom sweetheart. Tell me.” Taking a deep breath and trying to stop your tears you said, “I’m just really stressed. I haven’t been sleeping well. And, you being gone is getting to me.” With a sad smile he said, “I miss you too. But, I’ll be home soon. And, for right now, I’ll sing to you. Maybe that’ll help you sleep?” You nodded and laid down, watching him as his heavenly voice washed over you. You slowly felt yourself drift off, feeling the exhaustion overcome you. When you woke up, you had a text from Ashton:

You’re beautiful even when you sleep. I’ll see you soon, gorgeous. xx


You had been very busy at work the past week. Everything was very fast paced, and you had to work extra hours just to keep up. Almost every night when you got home, Cal wanted to do something with you, but you were just too tired and stressed out to stay awake for anything. Your nerves were shot, and you had absolutely no energy. You felt so bad about not being able to spend time with Cal, but you really couldn’t do anything about it. It was Friday night, and you had just gotten home. Looking at the clock, you saw that it was nearly 10 pm. You were ready to go to bed, but you wanted to say goodnight to Cal first. Not seeing him anywhere in the house, you figured he was out with the boys. Sighing, you dragged yourself down the hall to your room. Opening your door, you were shocked to find Cal laying on the bed in just his boxers. You gasped, and looked at him wide eyed. Smirking up at you, he said, “Well well well. Look who it is. I think you need a stress reliever.” Getting off the bed, he stalked towards you. Backing you up against the wall, he kissed you hard. Smiling at him, you said, “Hmm.. That can be arranged.” Kissing you again, he pulled back and said, “Good. You’re mine for the weekend.” Proceeding to then lead you to the bed.


Exams were coming up soon, and you had been studying a lot to make sure you passed. The only time you didn’t have your notes or a text book in your lap was when you showered or used the bathroom. You even brought you notes with you when you ate dinner, reviewing them as you ate. You were stressed out, worried that you were gonna fail. You were sitting on the bed, book in your lap, studying hard, when Mikey walked in. Glancing up, you smiled at him and then went back to studying. You heard his footsteps walk across the floor, until suddenly your book was taken out of you lap and slammed shut. Looking up at Mikey in disbelief, you opened your mouth to yell at him, only to have him speak before you could. “No. No arguments. You’re gonna come play some video games with me. You’ve been studying like this for over 2 weeks now. You’re the smartest person I know, and you know the information like the back of you hand. Now, c’mon. Get up.” Huffing, you listened, standing up and stretching. Looking over at him, you said, “Fine. But, don’t get mad when I whoop your ass, Clifford.” Smirking, he said, “Oh, it’s on, (Y/L/N).”

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