Preference #35 He tucks you in

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He tucks you in

Michael: "Hey babe," Michael's whisper and gentle shaking wakes you from your slumber, "It's time for me to go,". Still half asleep, you mumble something unintelligable, wrapping your arms tighter around his waist from your uncomfortable positions on the settee. He chuckles under his breath, "Come on princess, lets get you to bed," and he slides his arms beneath you, lifting you up bridal style while you throw your arms around his neck, holding him close. Moments later, his arms are replaced by the soft, cushiness of your bed, and through your half-lidded eyes, you watch as Michael pulls the duvet over you. "Good night babe, I love you," he places a kiss you your forehead, then he laughs lightly again, "I'll call you in the morning when you're awake,".

Ashton: "Whats up with you?" Ashton smirks as you climb into bed with a sigh. "I'm just super tired and I haven't been sleeping well recently," you shrug, pulling at the duvent but his hand catches it, stopping you. "Here, let me help," he smiles, pulling up the duvet, tucking it right under your chin. "What are you doing?" you giggle slightly, watching Ashton amused as he tucks the duvet all around you. "Tucking you in good and proper," he smirks, leaning over to kiss your cheek, "I hope you sleep better tonight babe,". You untuck yourself slightly, enough so you can wrap an arm around Ashton as he climbs into the bed beside you, "Thanks Ash,".

Calum: "I'm going to call it a night," you yawn, getting up from the settee. Calum follows you up soon after as you're climbing into bed. "Here," he smiles, pulling the folded down duvet up over you. "Thanks babe," you smile back as he climbs in beside you. He rolls on his side, facing you, moving some hair out of your face. You sigh happily into his as he leans forward to kiss you gently. "Sweet dreams love," he whispers, "I love you,". As you close your eyes you still have a faint smile across your face, and you murmur, "Night babe,".

Luke: "I'm not tired," you whine, as Luke carries you piggy-back style upstairs to the bedroom. "Hmm," he laughs, "I think you are! Or you will be in the morning if you don't go to sleep,", dropping you down onto the bed. "Nah," you giggle, "I can do all-nighters me,". "Yeah, yeah," he teases, lightly tickling your sides, "And you'd be as grumpy as hell the next day,". "Hey!" you shout, playfully hitting his hands away. "Come on," he smiles, pulling back the duvet and you roll under it. "I love you you know," you smile cheesily up at your boyfriend, eyes slightly unfocused from the alcohol in your system. "I know," he grins, pressing his lips to your forehead as he brings the covers up over you, "And I love you too. Go sleep!".

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