Preference #21 you get overheated and pass out at an event

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you get overheated and pass out at an event

Luke:  After sitting in a room all day watching the guys during a photoshoot, you start to feel really warm.  All the bright lights and the heat eminating off of them is beginning to get to you.  You’re guzzling water, trying to stop the dizziness from overpowering you.  Luke is looking at you from across the room with concern written all over his features.  He knows something is wrong and at the first chance he gets, he makes his way over to you where you are not looking good at all.  “You feeling ok?  You look awful…” Luke observes.  You don’t answer, simply because you can’t.  The heat overcomes you and you feel yourself flop downwards.  lu manages to catch your falling body before you hit the floor.  He lays you down and begins trying to fan you off with his hands while Ashton runs to grab some cool, wet cloths.  Luke grabs the cloths and pats you down with them until you begin to cool off and feel better.  He grabs your face in his hands and looks directly into your eyes.  “Baby?  Baby?  Are you ok?”  You nod a bit.  “Yeah…I think so.”  “Don’t move too much, just cool down a bit more,” he tells you as he picks up the cloth to keep patting you down a little.

Ashton:  About halfway through the concert you start to feel a little woozy.  All the bodyheat around you is making you sweat more than you’ve ever sweat in your life.  You try to get out of the audience and away from the crowd, but start swaying dizzily as you go.  Calum spots you as you’re trying to leave and he gets Ashton’s attention, pointing you out to him.  Ashton bolt's over to where a security guard has brought you backstage.  “Baby??  Babe?  Can you go get some cold water for her?” he asks the security guard.  He returns moments last with a bottle of water that Ashton holds up to your mouth for you to drink.  After drinking back the whole bottle’s worth of water you begin to feel a bit better and less dehydrated.  “I’m ok, really.  I just got a litle overheated.  Get back out there, I’ll be fine,” you tell him, not wanting to cause a huge disturbance.  You can hear the other boys stalling for time while Ashton is with you.  “Are you sure?” he asks.  “Yeah, I swear.  I’ll be much better back here away from all the heat,” you convice him.  He nods, kisses your forehead, and jogs back out to the stage.  You can hear the eruption of cheers upon his return and grab another bottle of water while you listen to the rest of the concert.

Michael:  You’re at a signing with the boys and all is going well until you suddenly feel extremely hot and dry-mouthed.  You stumble back a couple steps as you try to keep your balance steady.  Michael notices this and jumps up from his seat to grab a hold of you by the arm to steady you.  “You alright?” he asks, handing you his bottle of water.  You take a few sips.  “I think I just need to sit down and rest a bit.  I feel really hot.”  “Yeah, yeah, of course.  Here, take a seat, love.”  He pulls a chair over for you to sit on before momentarily turning his attention back to the fans and signing a few autographs, never letting his glance drift far from you for long.  As he sees that you’re doing a little bit better, he reaches over to take your hand in his.  You give it a light squeeze to tell him that everything is fine and to stop worrying.  He lifts your hand to his mouth, kissing it gently, before placing it back down and returning to his autographs.

Calum:  The boys are recording a new music video that requires most of the shots to be done outside.  It’s unseasonably warm that day and you hadn’t dressed accordingly.  As the sun rises higher in the sky and the heat beats down hotter, you start getting woozy.  You begin to lose focus on what’s going on and feel yourself starting to sway back and forth.  You faint, landing in the grass, and Calum beelines it over to you as soon as it happens.  “[Y/N]??  Oh my God…”  He begins peeling off your long-sleeve button down shirt until you are only left in your cami.  He pours some water into his palm and drizzles it onto your forehead and cheeks, gently patting the cool liquid into your skin.  Your eyes flutter open and you see Calum leaning over you looking worried.  “Wh- What happened?” you ask.  “My foolish girlfriend was wearing a long-sleeve shirt in almost 90 degree weather and passed out - that’s what happened,” Calum jokes, handing you the water bottle to drink from.  “I hate you,” you kid after downing the bottle.  “I love you too,” Calum says and kisses the side of your head.

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