Preference #41 You're the girl version of him

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You're the girl version of him

Luke: You are a lot like Luke, you both love to sleep in and hated getting up in the morning. With Your Blonde hair and blue eyes sometimes people thought you were brother and sister more than boyfriends and girlfriend. You would even join him in a game of FIFA with the other guys.

Michael: You and Michael loved dying your hair fun colors at one point Luke chased both of you down thinking your hair was fairy floss. (cotton candy for my fellow Americans) You would eat pizza atleast once a week. You both loved video games though you were never very good Michael would let you win every once and awhile. 

Calum: You and Calum would play soccer against each other constantly you were both very competitive. You both love to make each other laugh. You both loved being out going and trying new things together.

Ashton: Everyone always said you were the perfect couple, you like the same music played the same interment and were both way too sweet. You loved teaching him how to cook he and he would always ask you to teach him how to make something new.

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