Preference #62 He's Stressed Out

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He's Stressed Out

Ashton: You'd been sitting at home all day waiting for Ashton to get back. He'd texted you saying he was doing some last minute shopping, like usual. You weren't sure what he was looking for, but he said he wanted to do it alone. So you'd been cuddled up in bed, sniffing the bed ever so often because it still smelled like him. You sighed and turned on the TV, trying to occupy yourself until he got back. Soon you found your favorite childhood movie, High School Musical, on Disney Channel. Smiling happily, you buried yourself under the covers some more and got comfortable. About halfway through the movie you heard the front door open and slam shut. You jumped and quickly ran down the stairs. Ashton was stomping into the kitchen with a pout on his adorable face. You cautiously walked over to him and laid a soothing hand on his shoulder as he looked out the window. "What's wrong, babe?" You questioned. He sighed and looked down at the sink. He mumbled something unintelligible and you asked him to speak up. "I couldn't find you the perfect anniversary present," he finally admitted under his breath. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist. All his tension seemed to ease at your touch, and he sighed. "It's really not a big deal you know," came your whispered reply. "But it is, I really wanted to get you something special for you to show how much you mean to me," he practically yelled in frustration. You just smiled and squeezed yourself between the counter and Ashton's firm chest. Looking up at him, you gently cupped his face. "Hey," you murmured. "Hey," he said with a smile. "I don't need some present to know how much I mean to you. You show, and tell me, everyday how much you love me. And I hope you feel as loved as I do," you replied. A smile erupted on his face that made his cute dimples appear. He laughed softly and kissed your cheek. "You really are something else, (Y/N)," he whispered in your ear.

Luke: Luke had told you how he was meeting, and working with, Alex from ATL today. He was really excited, but worried about meeting his idol and acting like an idiot. But you told him not to worry, and that if Alex didn't like him, he was missing out on something wonderful. Luke seemed to be soothed by your words as he headed out the door this afternoon for their songwriting session. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips and dashed out the door. You were so happy for him, and you thought you'd surprise him by making a nice dinner for when he came home. You were stirring the noodles on the stove when you heard the car pull up in the driveway. You saw Luke storm up the porch steps and stomp his way up the stairs to your bedroom. Turning off the stove, you ran up the stairs to see what was wrong with your boyfriend. He was lying face down on the bed when you found him and he had his fists balled up beside his head. You could tell that his shoulders were tensed up, and you could practically feel his frustration rolling off him in waves. Sighing, you climbed up on the bed and sat on his lower back. He made a frustrated sound in the back on his throat before you silenced him with a shush. Your hands roamed up his back and you slowly kneaded out his tension filled shoulder. He groaned in pleasure as he slowly began to relax under your touch. As you continued your massage, you spoke timidly,"Do you want to talk about it?" He sighed under you and rolled over so you were now straddling him. He looked up at you, his face a picture of self anger. His eyebrows were knitted together and he had a scowl on his face. He brought his hands up to your hips and rubbed slow, lazy circles into the skin there. "I made myself look like a fool in front of Alex. He'll probably never want to talk to me ever again," he blurted out. "Now, did he say that, or are you just assuming that?" you questioned lightly. He mumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'assumed'. A smile broke out onto your face as you remembered a saying that your mom taught you long ago. "Now if you assume, you make an ass out of you and me," you recited with a cheeky smile. Luke couldn't help but smile in turn as he saw your face light up. You kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, "He loved you." Luke just shook his head and quickly rolled you under him as he hovered over you. "And I love you," he stated, leaving a quick peck on your lips after every word.

Calum: Sitting at the kitchen counter in nothing but Calum's shirt, you stared at him as he stared at the frying pan in concentration. He was attempting to make eggs for the both of you, but it looked like it wasn't working out the way he wanted it to. He would make little noises of frustration coming from across the kitchen and you would muffle a giggle so he wouldn't feel self conscious. You heard the splatter of the egg on the floor and heard Calum let out a frustrated yell. "Why can't I get this right?" he asked no one in particular. You giggled softly and grabbed a paper towel by the sink and quickly cleaned up the mess he made. Calum was currently leaning on the counter with his head in his hands. You walked over to him, and gently grasped his forearms. You tugged them towards you and wound his arms around your waist. Calum buried his head in your neck and unconsciously pulled you impossibly closer to his chest. You rested your hands on his chest and leaned into his strong frame. He let out a sigh and eventually pulled back enough to look at your face. You just stared up at him with a reassuring smile as he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes and hummed in response. He chuckled and whispered, "I guess I got a little carried away." Laughing, you responded, "Just a bit." He tugged you back to his chest and sighed contentedly. Just happy to hold you close. "How about I make breakfast then?" you said a while later. "Sounds great, love," Calum replied cheekily, giving you a sloppy kiss on the cheek before taking your spot at the counter.

Michael: You were standing in the front row, watching your boys perform with a huge smile on your face. When they started singing your favorite song 'Beside You', towards the end, Michael messed up on a note. You could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't pleased with his performance. Your smile disappeared, knowing exactly what was going through his mind right now. Pushing your way through the crowd, you made your way towards the guarded backstage door. The guards let you through without question, and you practically ran towards the stage entrance. You waited just behind the curtains, waiting for the boys to finish up their set. The ending note to try hard was played, and the screams from the crowd was deafening. Soon enough, 4 boys came rushing off stage, one certain band member with a deep crease between his eyebrows. You walked slowly towards him with a huge smile on your face. "You guys did great!" you exclaimed as your wrapped your arms around Michael's neck. The other boys called their replies, but you weren't really paying attention. You stared into the stormy eyes before you and a frown appeared on your face as well. You stroked his hair soothingly, and pulled him tightly to you chest. He sighed deeply and eventually wrapped his arms around you. "Now that's more like it," you whispered into his chest. There was no response from him other than the tightening of his arms around your waist. "I royally screwed up," he mumbled into your hair, "ruined the whole show." You shook your head and cupped his face with your right hand. "Look at me," you demanded. He grudgingly looked into your eyes and you continued. "You did great. We all make mistakes, and tonight you just so happened to make one. We're human, we can't be perfect all the time. Just by screwing up one note doesn't mean you mucked up the whole concert. You did brilliant, all of you did for that fact. And don't you ever doubt that for a moment." He just looked at you in shock before he surprisingly crashed his lips onto yours. You made a noise of agreement before you responded with just as much passion. Pulling away with a heartwarming smile on his face he said, "I knew there was a reason I kept you around." You gasped in shock and quickly slapped his shoulder. "ABUSE!" Michael screamed as he ran away from you and towards the dressing room. You followed after, silently cursing him along the way.

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