Preference #55 Prank wars 3/3

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 Prank Wars (3/3)

Ashton: You hadn't spoken to him in a week, he got you back with the prank war, pretending to get into a car accident. It had you crying your eyes out and hyper ventilating. When you found out it was a prank, you broke up with him. The doorbell rang, and Ashton was there with flowers, wearing a shirt that said 'I fucked up. And I want my girlfriend back'. You opened the door and he shyly walked in. "(Y/N) I am so sorry." He hugged you and you rested your head on his shoulder. "You had me thinking you had died Ash, that isn't a prank. That's a sick joke." He took your face in his hands, "I know and I crossed the line. Please, please take me back." You nodded. "Let me go get your shirts from my room."

Calum: "Finally!" You announce. Calum had filled your air vents with crickets, and you had used insect killer to get rid of them. Your house was finally silent. You decided to call him up. "Okay I'm really glad that whole prank war thing is over with, but now you have to tell me how the hell you got the crickets in my house, when you're all the way across the world." He laughed, "I'm not telling you, it will be a secret forever." You sighed. "Fine, but I can't wait for you to get home."

Luke: It took Luke 5 minutes to find all his boxers, so your prank wasn't that good. You had been very careful the last couple days, keeping an eye out for something to happen. When you opened your bedroom door hundreds of balloons spilled out of it. Then Luke walked out, "Can we end this whole prank war?" You nodded yes, then you grabbed a balloon and rubbed it on Luke's head, causing his hair to stick up from the static.

Michael: Michaels skin still had an orange tint to it, and it had been a week since you died his skin. One night you were coming home after a long day of work, you remembered that you had left over Chinese food in the refrigerator, that was the only thing keeping you sane. You opened the fridge, and all there was were oranges! "Orange you glad you have some oranges?" Michael walked in from the living room. "I'm all out of orange puns babe, can we end this?" Michael nodded and gave you a kiss. "Now where is my Chinese food?"

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