18 - Break up idea ?

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After the case , Dust and (y/n) reletionship is increases a whole lot then other buddy think . Horror still keep his word through , he didn't even kiss you another second time , not even one 'i love you' word coming out from his mouth .

" why ? " you whispering to yourself while waiting for Dust to buy the foods . You sighed and shook your head . Went to the washroom .

" hey Horror ? do you love me ? " you heard Aliza voice coming out from the empty classroom . 

" Aliza ? are you alright ? " then you heard Horror giggling sound , he look like he was munching on something ...

" NO !!! i am SERIOUS ! " Aliza yelled with anger . You stop at the door and took a small peek through the tiny hole , you see Aliza and Horror were siting in one table , with a table full of junk foods .

" why ? " Horror chuckle , took a handfull of chips from the bag and put it all in his mouth , the crispy munching sound coming out .

" i-i love you ! " Aliza shout with blush , you gasped and back off a bit and stepped on a can , which made a loud crunchy sound .

" w-who's there ?! " Aliza yelled and walking to your place with a fast speed , you manage to run and hide in the washroom . 

" woah , lady ! You almost scared the shit out of me ! " a girl that was wearing a lime and cream colored striped shirt and red-brown pants and shoes . She also has lighter skin and rosey cheeks . 

" s-sorry " you panted and rest yourself in the abandon wooden chair . 

" are you alright ? do you need this ? " a girl with cute blank expression ask while holding a baby pink tisu . You nodded and take the tisu , rub off your sweat . You took a peek and the girl that was washing hand and the kind girl that giving you tisu . 

You notice that the kind girl clothes is familiar to the one who was washing hand . Only that the kind girl was wearing a striped pink and blue shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes . But not only that ! You notice that their hair style is same , they have medium-length straight brown hair !

" are you too twins ? " you ask them , the one who washing hand staring at you and giggled .

" you could say so ~ by the way ! My name is Chara ! Chara dreemurr ! " the girl name Chara giggled and smile widely .

" my name is Frisk , Frisk dreemurr ... nice to meet you ~ " the other girl name Frisk smile lightly , she look shy . 

" by the way , we still have class by now so .... cya ! cmon Frisk ! Mr.Thomas will yelled at us by now left we late ! " Chara grab Frisk hand and run out of the washroom . You sighed and look at the ceiling ...

Is Horror going to break up with you ? 


( Yayyyyyyy !!! I finally manage to write this chapter so far ! I have done my first exam and the other exam is next five days so ... my mom actually allow me to play laptop today BUT ! The timing is only got 1 hours and i am going back to study ....ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Hope you guys like this chapter ! Any idea just comment below ! I won't bite ~ ) 

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