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At a certain point in the video game a kid is playing(Undertale), they encounter a place they have NEVER seen before. And that is saying something because they found ALL the secrets in the game. The human goes in the room and there is a crystal. they interact with it and somehow the whole game came to life. They just about had a heart attack when they found out that their favorite video game in the world was real. They start to walk out of the room to go downstairs, but soon realizes that they were the protagonist, meaning they had to go through the whole game! Since they were playing the game in their room, that's where their adventure started. The human felt really sleepy for some reason soooooooo, they passed out.

The human woke up in a dark room on a bed of golden flowers. They saw a door at the end of a long hallway and went to it. They stepped out through the door, and saw a golden flower in the middle of nothingness. Except the flower had a face."Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" said Flowey."Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND arent'cha?" "yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhh..." said the human."oh wow! Then you must be soo confused! Someone needs to show you how things work around here! I guess I'll have to do it.""uhhh... ok. Sure?" "Great!! Ready? Here we go!!!" Just then, the whole room got dark, and a heart was floating in the middle of a box.

 "That is your soul. The very culmination of your being.""alright..." said the human. "(I wonder if he knows that i know how to do ALL of this already... He probably doesn't so maybe I should go with it. But at the same time, I know what he's gonna do.)"Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What's Lv? Why LOVE of course!"

"(Hah! This is my chance!) oh! LOVE. I was thinking Level. Sooo, what does LOVE stand for?(answer THAT Flowey.)" "............" Flowey didn't know how to respond." um, you figure that out later... and i don't want to waste your time..." said Flowey. "Oh no, don't worry. It's not like I have anywhere else to go." said the human. "(N-No way... do... they already know? I guess it would explain their grin...) howza about i tell you how to get the LV? Eh? Eehhhh? " "Nah, i would like to know what it means now please!"

 "(Sigh) alright. I do remember you. You've played through this timeline literally over a thousand times. Except i don't remember YOU specifically. Before, it was a yellow human (Probably a simpson...) with a purple striped shirt... and a red soul... anyways, I know that was YOU who was in control. And i must say, I am very impressed with what you did. You managed to find every secret in the game. You listened to every conversation the game had to offer. You did genocide and pacifist only three times, but you did neutral MANY times. Just to see what all the endings were."

"And during it all... i was there, watching. I remember everything you did in those runs.""Ah. So you DO remember everything." " And I'm not the only one! You came REALLY close to letting everyone know that it's just a game. In fact, Smiley Trashbag figured out entirely that this all a game. And you helped him do so." "wait, Sans knows?!?!"exclaimed the human. "he does at this point."

"Anyway, you're not making any progress sitting here talking to me. And I think we both know what comes up!"said Flowey joyfully. ".....dang it....." said the human. Flowey made a tiny seed pellet appear out of thin air. He started throwing it at the human, but suddenly paused."... tell you what... I'll SPARE you for now, because you understand everything that's going on." "Wait, REALLY!?!?!?" "Yeah, it's no fun torturing people when they know what i'm gonna do. I prefer to attack the helpless people." "you're heartless."said the human. "I know. I literally am heartless. BUT!! The next time we meet, we will FIGHT, got it?" " Uuuhhhh, ok sure! No problem with that." "Alright. You be safe going through the ruins. B E C A U S E I W A N T T O B E T H E O N E T O K I L L Y O U." the human felt shivers go all the way up from their back to their head." okey dokey! See you soon! (In more than one universe... )" And with that, Flowey left.

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now