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Just as Flowey had disappeared into the ground, a goat lady had come out through another door. "Hello child. Are you injured?" the goat lady had asked."Uh, no i'm fine. Thank you for the concern." "Well I am glad to hear that. My name is Toriel. I am the Caretaker of the RUINS. I pass through here everyday to see if anyone has fallen down. I would say that you are the first human to fall in a long time, but that would be untruthful..."said Toriel."oh? Why, if you don't mind me asking?"said the human."oh no, i must've been thinking of it again. I am very sorry child for worrying you. It's just that, recently I've felt like I've seen the same human over and over again. But more than likely, it is just my imagination from being old taking its toll on me."

"..." The human knew that she was talking about Frisk, the character that the human was controlling.Frisk also was the Eighth human to fall into the underground, thus meaning the Eighth human soul was Frisk's. Frisk was also the human that Flowey had mentioned earlier. "Don't say that! You still have a long life to go. Don't talk like it'll be over in 10 seconds!

"(Speaking of which... what kind of run do I want to do? I know the options I have :genocide, Pacifist, or neutral. But which do I want to do? Normally, the stuff that happens down here is the same every time. But now that I'M down here, everything is completely looped around. Flowey SPARED me, toriel is talking about Frisk, Sans knows this is a video game, and--*gasp* i'm the eighth human! Well, technically I'm the ninth. I wonder how that's going to affect everything...)

"(I think I should go with Pacifist.I'm assuming that I only get one chance at being down here, and once I beat the game,that's it. I go back to the real world....I'll go with Pacifist for now. When I find Sans, that's when I'll ask him how many attempts I get.)"

"Thank you child for your support. Now, we mustn't dawdle. We have many places to go to. Come! I shall guide you through the catacombs." Once Toriel reached the end of that sentence, the room had gotten it's color back. "This way child" said Toriel, leading the child back through the door she had come through. The human had went through the door and found a yellow diamond looking object. "(Oh!) the human thought in surprise. "(A SAVE point! Then that must mean I have the DETERMINATION soul right!?!?) the child interacted with the save point, but nothing happened. "(??? why? I can see the SAVE point. Why can't I use it?) The human frantically tried to use the save point until they came to a conclusion. "(Wait. If I can't use it, that must mean that I don't have the Red Soul of DETERMINATION. Frisk had the Red Soul and so did Chara.)"

Chara was the very first human that fell into the Underground. They were also the first human that decided to never do the Pacifist run. Instead, they decided on going FULL Genocide. And that is where they got their title from: the Angel of Death. The one that would "free" everyone from the Underground. But, one day, Chara had gotten... well, the story should never be spoiled, should it?

"(wait a second... Frisk was the last human to come down here into the UNDERGROUND right? And they were always filled with DETERMINATION. And also, their DETERMINATION was stronger than Chara's. Well, I remember from resources that the SAVE points appear when even the slightest sign of DETERMINATION comes into contact with its summoning place. I CLEARLY don't have any DETERMINATION because I tried to use it by using all of my power. But, for some reason, it's still here.)"

"Come along now child. We mustn't use valuable time." "!!!" The human had forgotten that Toriel was still standing there. "Oh, uh, sorry! Maybe you should go ahead. I'll be there in a second." "...Alright my child. I shall be in the room ahead of this one. Once you are ready, just enter the room, and we shall continue forth." And with that, Toriel walked into the room ahead of the room the Child was still in.

"(Phew! That was close. It's just as Flowey said 'You came really close to letting everyone know it was a game. I don't want to find out what happens if they find out. It might cause a glitch, and the whole timeline could be erased.with me in it. Anyways, where was I?)"

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now