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  " So, the report goes as said." said Sans. "I'm all ears." said the human. "Okay. as I said, I'm gonna skip some of the non-important things and all that stuff.  

'Report number 16: SAVE points, DETERMINATION, and revival.'

During our recent studies here at the lab(not dr. alphys' lab), some humans have the ability to have a certain power within them which, goes by the name DETERMINATION,... Using DETERMINATION, these yellow crystal like objects can be summoned, if it is used in the correct place... the name chosen for these are SAVE points, since the matter of it is not solid, gas, or liquid; it is like mostly just a interactive visible (not holdable) object. Their purpose is to SAVE the one who uses its progress, up until they used the SAVE point... When a person or animal and even possibly plant uses these SAVES, when that person, plant, or animal dies, they simply go back to when they last SAVED... This process is called Revival, and this process works as followed...'"  

  Sans had paused to see the human's reaction. It, wasn't the best one. "Why'd ya stop?! Keep going!" "...Ya know, ya could be a bit more polite...  

  'Revival works when the thing that interacted with the SAVE point, dies, they return to the last time they SAVED... DETERMINATION is one of the ways this works, as it boosts the power of the Revival... how? Simple, yet so very complicated. DETERMINATION boosts the power of the Revival, by this way: If that creature were to die, and before just they come back, they used their DETERMINATION, then the HP (hit points) of that creature are boosted, making it harder for them to die again.... This must be further pressed into research. When more is discovered, it will be in the next report...'  

  "...that's all this one says." the human took all that the article had to say into account. "Huh," said Sans. "I, guess I never looked at this one. I probably should have. Could've helped me stop you." Sans looked over at the human with a small blue flame flickering.  

  The human looked at Sans with a sorry expression on their face. "...wait," said the human. "That didn't say anything about whether you can come back using only the SAVE points. Can you, maybe...?" "Already on it kid. Ya mind turnin' around again?" "Yes, Sans, I mind. I'm not gonna turn around."  

"Aw, come on kid, why not? Nothin-...hey kid?" "Yeah, what?" "Why is Papyrus coming?" "?!?!" The human turned around really fast expecting to see Papyrus coming to them and Sans. "What are you talking about? Papyrus isn't comin-- *Sigh* (Did I really just fall for that?)" needless to say, Sans was gone. But as soon as he was gone, the human heard the same noise that happened when Sans mysteriously disappeared the first time. The human kept looking forward, knowing that Sans would eventually appear. But he never did. So the human turned around with their guard completely down, and Sans was behind the child."aaaah!!!" Screamed the human. "Ha ha ha ha!!" Sans sat there laughing the Human's reaction. "STOP DOING THAT!!!!" "ha ha ha! Aah. Oh man, that was AWESOME! Sorry kid, but if ya want me to stop, just look everywhere at once. That way, you can see me."

"Sans. How am I supposed to look everywhere at once, when I only have TWO EYES?!?!" "You're not. That's the idea." The human stood there glaring at Sans, who was grinning. "Anyways, all jokes aside-that was a horrible thing to say- I found another report on DETERMINATION. It goes like this:

'Report number 18: SAVES vs. DETERMINATION

As said before in report number 16, we were going to press further in the research of the SAVE points, and their ability to revive fallen creatures, and that's what we did. We had done some... experiments to see which creatures had enough DETERMINATION-yes, you need to have a certain amount- to actually use the SAVE points. We discovered that many of the things we tested had DETERMINATION, while we thought only humans had it. Anyway, once those creatures SAVED, we had killed them, seeing which ones would come back: those who used the SAVES, and those of who couldn't use the SAVES, but had DETERMINATION.

Well, most of the creatures who came back, were in the group of the ones who SAVED. There weren't as many in the DETERMINATION group, but there were some who came back... With this knowledge, we have concluded, that the Revival works, whether you you have DETERMINATION or not... although, you have a much better chance of the Revival working if you can use the SAVES. Of course, we are still going to look more into this, and it will be in the next report.'  

  "How was that kid? Got anymore questions?" The human sat there with a excited and relieved look on their face. "Nope! This is great! I'm just glad that I know I can come back to life. Thanks Sans!" "You're welcome kid. See ya up ahead!"  

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now