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  And with that, Papyrus left. Sans still looked as though he lost his soul. Which he didn't. "O-Okay kid. Y-You can come out now." and the human came out from behind the lamp. "So," said the human, grinning. "I have 2 things to say. 1. Just put the sock on his bed. 2. How did you move my SOUL without starting a FIGHT?"  

  Sans had calmed down about halfway. "Heh. kid, some people just have talents. And it's NOT funny. Lucky for me, I never said WHEN I would help him." "Hmm. true... Hey. why couldn't I stay out? You wanted it to go by faster, and I tried to make it. Why didn't you let me?" "Ah. that. Kid, you're doing Pacifist, right?"  

  "Uh, yeah?" "And you staying out is something that happened in Genocide, right?" "...Oh." "Yeah. Seeing how the world is glitching out now because you're here, do you think you could stay out, without the world switching over to some random Genocide file?  

  "I mean, you don't WANT to do Genocide do you? And plz don't throw up." The human was nauseous again. "I'm gonna sit down again..." "*Sigh* Kid, how about this... We just don't talk about the RESETS . I can tell you and your stomach can't take much more. And neither can I. Not saying that as though I'm gonna vomit. It is just really making me mad."  

  The human calmed down. "That is something I can agree to." "great! We no longer talk about RESETS starting now." The human and Sans agreed on no longer mentioning anything about RESETS again. "Okay. welp, you should move on. I'll be up ahead." "Alright. See ya later Sa-! wait!!!"  

"??? wut." "Uh, once I beat the game... what happens? Do I have to go back to my Universe, or do I get to stay here?" "Kid. you were never meant to be here in the first place. So, I don't know. Maybe you should talk to Flowey more, though I don't know why you would talk to that little sneak." "Okay. I think I'll just get to the end of the game, and that's when I'll find out." "Sounds like a plan kiddo. If ya DO get to stay, just remember: NO you-know-what-ing." "Heh. believe me, you don't have to tell me twice! Alright. See ya!" "Later kid!"

  And with that, Sans and the human parted ways for now. The human walked a little bit farther, and there were these things: a SAVE point, a box, a sign next to the box, a Path north, and a path east. The human decided to go north first to see something. But when they did, nothing happened.  

"Darn...I couldn't get the sound test... oh well. Can't RESET or Sans is gonna kill me. And I don't think I can come back if I die." The human noticed a fishing pole tied to the ground. "... No. Just-Just no." That fishing pole was there because a strange fish looking monster thing had 'put out a line' for fish, because someone told him 'there are plenty of fish in the sea'. Yep. really cheesy/ corny jokes.

"Hmm. I have the option to SAVE, but do I want to? I mean, I'm at a large risk of another world glitch... but at the same time, I want to let a monster kill me to see if I DO come back, because I HAVE SAVED... I'll SAVE now, that way if I die, and I come back, I don't have to go all the way through the RUINS again."  

  (Seeing a box in a strange place such as this fills you with WISDOM.) The human braced themselves as they chose SAVE, and, as it always did, the world had glitched again, this time about 10% worse than last time. "(Man. I really need to SAVE only when necessary. My options are either, don't SAVE often, or SAVE until the game becomes used to it... both seem like fairly good and fairly bad options. I mean, If i do the option 'SAVE until the game gets used to it' That one is taking a HUGE risk. But, it's pretty much the same story with plan A, don't SAVE often.) 

"(It's the same way, because I am putting myself at risk, in the case of if I die, I might not come back... wait! I know!) HEY SANS!!!" The human called out Sans' name, hoping that he would come over to them.

A few seconds later, the human turned around, and Sans was standing right behind them. "You rang kid?" said Sans. "yep. Okay, so you know how if Frisk died, they could just come back to life with their DETERMINATION?" "..Yeah. Why?" "Well, I don't have any DETERMINATION, but I CAN use SAVE points... Does that mean I won't or will come back?"  

  "Huh. Now that's a brain teaser. Hmm... hang on a sec kid. I'm gonna see if I remember anything from the reports that came in, talking about revival... Hey kid, could you turn around for a sec?" "wha- uh. Sure." The human turned their back toward Sans, and for 5 seconds there wasn't a sound.  

  It was literally so quiet, you could hear a snowflake drop. After another 5 seconds, the human turned back around, only to discover that Sans wasn't there anymore. Then, there was a sound, and the human turned around again expecting to see Sans behind them. But he wasn't there. So, the human turned back around AGAIN, and this time, Sans was there, in front of the human. The child thought they were going to have a heart attack.  

  "Jeeze Sans! Can you NOT scare me anymore than you have already?!" Exclaimed the human. "Heh. sorry kid. It's just too much fun. Anyway, i found the report, and I'm assuming you wanna hear it." "Of course!" "Okay kid, but I'm gonna make this fast, since ya REALLY need to move on."Sans made a big deal out of clearing his throat, getting ready to say what he found in the reports. "Heh heh. Alright, I'll stop jokin' around for now. Anyway, here goes. 'Report number 16: SAVE points, DETERMINATION, and revival.  

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now