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  "Human!" said Ink. "Meet, Dream Sans!" The human turned to face the Skeleton that was coming through the door. He wore a blue button-up shirt, with jean shorts. He also had gloves, a cape, and a belt that said DS on it. He wore a yellow headband that connected at the front, and had yellow pupils in his eyesockets. He also had on yellow boots. The human could tell that he liked stars.  

"Oh. My. Gosh. Ink. IS THAT..."

Ink simply nodded his head. Dreams voice was even higher than Ink's. When Ink realized what Dream was about to do, he covered his ears. The human looked at Ink, wondering what he was doing, then looked back at Dream. Then when Dream SHRIEKED at the TOP OF HIS PROBABLY NON-EXISTENT LUNGS, the human then knew why Ink covered his ears.(Ink doesn't actually have ears, but he covered where they would be, still being effective.)

"Oh my gosh!!!!!" Exclaimed Dream as Ink uncovered his ears. Ink stood there and smiled. "Ican'tbelievethatI'macutallymeetingahumanwhatisitlikeinyouruniversearetherethingsforyoutodothereisitfunpleasehumanyouhavetotellmeeverythingbythewaydoyouknowaboutheAU'sIthinkthattheyareREALLYcoolwhatdoyouthinkhumanalsosorryabouthowlongI'mtalkingI'mjustreallreallyreallyreallyreallyexcited!!!!!!!!!"

  "Dream. Are you going to give the human space, or not? Yes they know about the AU's. I actually just told them about 'em." "Huh." said the human. "You're Dream Sans? The one Ink--" "Ahh!!" "Sorry!(Gotta get used to that...) The one Ink was telling me about?  

"Why yes I am! Nice to meet you human!" Said Dream offering his hand out for a handshake. The human accepted and said "Nice to meet you too." "Heh." said Ink. "I swear Dream... you act more and more like Blueberry the more I see ya."

"Who's Blueberry?" Asked the human. "Is he another partner?" "Nah," said Ink. " 'Blueberry' is the nickname people have given Underswap Sans. And he acts, well, pretty much the same way Dream here just acted."

"Was that an Insult?" Dream asked. "Noooope." replied Ink with a slight grin. "Um... I have a question." Said the human. "Yes?" said Dream and Ink at the same time. "What am I supposed to do now? I mean, ErRor didn't end up destroying the Original Undertale did he? What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to go back? Or, do you send me back into the Universe I'M from?"

"Ah." said Ink. "Good question. I brought you here partially to escape from ErRor trying to ERASE the original - Which can't happen by the way - but part of the other reason I brought you here was because we needed your help." "Is this going to turn out with us going on some massive adventure to save the world?" "... Yes."

"SWEET!!!" The human was now really excited because they had always wanted to do something like this. No seriously. Literally ever since they were born they wanted to go on an adventure, and now, this was their chance. Dream had noticed something about the human.

"Um..." said Dream. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The human looked confused at Dream since they didn't know why Dream would think they were hurt or something. "No..." Replied the human. "I'm fine." "... Then why were you crying?" "What are you talking about? I didn't cry. I'm perfectl-- Oh. That." Ink just stood there confused at what they were talking about, so he looked at the human's face to see any tears. He saw the tear marks from when they left Toriel.

"..." "Human?" The human stood for a second with their face down so neither Dream or Ink could see it. But after a while, Ink and Dream saw a tear fall from the human's face. "!!!" "! Human, please don't cry! There is nothing for you to be sad about. Do you need help?" "N-No. *Sob* I'm... ... ... " That was the last word the human could get out before full on crying. They buried their face in their hands to try to hide it.

Ink and Dream saw this and tried to comfort the human. "Hey" said Ink. "There's no need for you to cry, even less try to hide it. People cry all the time. So what if people judge you for it? You have your own reason for why you're crying. And whether you want to share it with us is your choice, although we might be able to help you if you tell us."

"T-To be Honest..." said the human. "I-I-I'm N-not even s-sure why I'm cr-c-crying, *Sob* Please d-d-don't make fun of m-m-me for this..." "... Dream!" Ink ordered. "Yes Sir!" "Would you kindly fetch the human a cup of-- What's your favorite drink?" Ink asked the human.

"...Tea..." The human replied. "--A cup of Tea please?" "Sir sir yes sir sir..." after about 12 more 'Sirs' from Dream... "DREAM. The soda?" "Oh yeah. Got it!" And with that, Dream turned and ran out the door. Ink started to try to get the human to stop crying. "Human. You know that I would never judge you, right?" Ink asked. The human nodded.

"Listen. Can you think of any reason at ALL for why you would be crying?" "..." The human had to think of why they would need to cry, and after about 30 seconds, they came up with an answer. "Maybe, it's because I DOn't BEliEVE ANY oF the CRaP YoU ARE telLInG Me." "Wha..." "Wait, WHAT!? Ink, I didn't mean any of that! I didn't even SAY any of that! I don't know what happened! I--" "HUMAN. I believe you. You spoke in Caps and lowercase, and you wouldn't do that without a reason, I'm sure?"

"Yes!" "Hm... The only reason I can think of... *Sigh* Here we go again. ErRor!!! Show yourself!!! I have a paintbrush, and I know how to use it!!!" Ink said as he pulled out the paintbrush on his back. "OkAY oKay," Said this new person. "NO need FoR you to GET All ExCiTEd." Suddenly, the human heard a noise that like a snap, and an almost nightmare-fuel looking Sans appeared out of nowhere.

This new Sans looked somewhat like the original Sans, but reversed. Instead of his skull being white, it was black. Replacing the color of the original Sans Eye sockets, they were now red, and as for the pupils, one was small and white, while the other large and blue. There seemed to be blue tear streaks going down from their eyes onto their mouth, and continued going past the bottom of their mouth. They had on a blood red shirt, with a black jacket. They had on black shorts, and their shoes were black as well. Their hand bones were red, and their face was kind of glitching in and out of reality. They had on a wide smile, and their teeth were yellow. Also, the word Error covered a lot of body space.

"HI TheRE HumAn." The human stood there paralyzed with confusion and fear. They also stopped crying as soon as they saw the new figure. Just then, Dream came running back carefully holding a cup of Sprite making sure that none had spilled.He was running back with his eyes closed, grinning, and stopped in front of the human holding their Tea.

"Here you go human! A nice refreshing cup of Tea." When the human didn't take the cup of Sprite, Dream opened his eyes, and looked at Ink and the human. Ink had a look of anger, while the human was still looking confused. "What?" Dream didn't understand this, and turned around to see the figure. It was then, that Dream let out a slight yelp, and set down the cup of Tea. He then got back up, and turned to face the figure.

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now