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  Just then, snow behind the human sounded like it was being scrunched. The human noticed this, and decided to stay in character. The step sounds in the snow got closer and closer to the human. Closer. CLOSER! Until finally, the steps came to a sudden stop right behind the human. Just then, a deep voice behind the human spoke.  

"H U M A N . D O N T Y O U K N O W H O W T O G R E E T A N E W P A L ? T U R N A R O U N D , A N D S H A K E M Y H A N D ." The mysterious voice behind the human had offered their hand out for a friendly handshake. The human turned towards the figure, and shook hands.

When the human did, the darkened figure just turned out to be a skeleton in a hoodie... and he had a whoopie cushion in his hand, that went off when the human shook hands with him. "Heh. The old 'whoopie cushion in the hand' trick. It's ALWAYS funny." Said the skeleton. The human tried to hold in their laughter, but it didn't last long. The human sat there chuckling to theirself.

  "Ha hah ha ha! Oh man, that was way funnier.(Hopefully, the world will be okay since he knows already.)"  

  The world hadn't done anything destroy-the-universe like, so the human breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh. You've heard it before then?" said the skeleton. "Maybe I have... once or twice(or 1124)." Said the human. "Oh. Well, I don't like to give the audience old material, soooo, what's a skeleton's favorite instrument?" "(Better play along.) Um, what?" "A skeleton's favorite instrument is a trom-BONE!  

  How was that? You heard that one before?" "Surprisingly, no." "Heh. glad that worked. Anyways, I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now... but ya know, I don't really care about capturing anybody..."   

  Sans finished that sentence with a bored look and a sigh, and the Human knew why. "(I don't want to drag this out anymore. And neither does he. so..!)" The human did an impersonation of what Sans was going to say. "'Now my brother, Papyrus? He's a human hunting FANATIC.'  

  "I could tell you didn't want to say those words anymore than the 1124 times you already have." Sans looked shocked for a second, then closed his eyes and smiled. "Heh. Thanks kiddo." Said Sans. "I know that this can't actually happen, but me saying it over and over again was starting to get, UNDER MY SKIN?"  

"Aaand I just remembered that you tell puns. Really really awesome yet annoying puns." "Heh heh. Yeah, it's kinda my job. And on that note of you remembering...HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME HAVE TO SIT THROUGH ALL OF THOSE RESETS? AND YOU DO GENOCIDE REPEATEDLY??? DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A BAD TIME?" The human had to sit there for 30 seconds before they actually had the will to talk without wanting to vomit from fear. "N-no. sorry. I never meant to upset you. It's just- *gag* So-someone had challenged me to find every ending, and... I probably shouldn't have listened, but I *gag* never expected to be in the game and..."  

The human's voice had trailed off, and they had to stop talking. "THEN DO. NOT. RESET. AGAIN. btw, here are some paper towels, in case you throw up. I can't take anymore vomit, since I went adventuring with Ink... Sorry kid. I'm just really on edge. It looks like none of this was intended.

Anyway, yeah, papyrus is right over there. Um, at this point you learned you can't tell anyone right?" The human had calmed down, and could talk again. "Y-Yeah." the human looked down at the snow, with a look of disappointment in their eyes.  

  "Uh, kid? You, found out the hard way, didn't you?" "yeah... I barely let someone know, and I guess they had wanted to ask one question, but I walked away before they could ask. But when they thought of that question, they glitched out super bad, and was ERASED."  

  "Hmm. who was that monster?" "It was a Froggit." "Froggit huh? Yeah, they're pretty well known for asking questions. Remember? You CHECKed it right?" the human remembered back to what the dialogue said when they CHECKed the Froggit. "Froggit 8 ATK 2 DEF THIS CREATURE IS TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE WORLD MORE EVERYDAY." "*sigh* duh. I should've remembered that." "eh. Don't worry 'bout it kiddo. Everyone forgets things, but they don't normally result in things being ERASED from time completely."  

  When Sans said that, the human felt their stomach drop. "Just, uh, try not to forget again and- uh, what are you doing?" "I felt nauseous standing up, so I'm taking a break, and sitting down." "Takin' a break? Welp. we're friends now. Just, don't take too long. We've been here talking a while, and I kinda wanna get out of the UNDERGROUND for the 1125th time."  

  "Again. Really sorry about the RESETS and everything. Okay, I think I'm good now.Let's go. " The human and Sans went across the strange bridge and they reached a large area, where there was a lamp, two rocks, and a checkpoint or sentry station. "Uh-oh. Looks like my bro's comin'. Get behind the lamp. Again."  

  "Do you want me to? I mean, I'll just reveal myself to Papyrus to speed this up if you want..." "nah. I like to give Paps the element of surprise. Besides, I can't just pass up the opportunity to tell puns." "heh heh. Okay... Are you sure? "  

  "...I WOULD like this to go by faster, but don't worry about it... ... what are you doing?" The human decided they weren't gonna go anywhere. "I won't drag this out then, since you don't want to." "(crap. He's coming.) Kid, no. you HAVE to get behind the lamp. Go now!" "No! We can just speed this up this way!" "*sigh* welp. I also wanted to avoid doing this because it's using energy I want to save for sleep, but..." Sans turned his blue eye on, and moved the human behind the lamp with telekinesis. "!!!" At that moment Papyrus entered the area, but he didn't see any of it.  

  "'Sup paps." said Sans. "You know what 'sup' brother!" said Papyrus. "It's been 8 days and you still haven't recallibrated. Your. puzzles!!! What if a Human comes through?! I want to be ready!! All you do is sit outside your post and boondoggle. What are you even doing?!" "staring at this lamp. It's really cool. Do you wanna look?" "No!! I don't have time for that!!"I must be the one! I will be the one! I will capture a human!! And you have done NOTHING to help!!!!!!!!" "Hey, take it easy, I've gotten a ton of work done today... a SKELE-TON!!" The human lightly chuckled behind the lamp. "ARRGH!!!!" "...hey bro... you seem more on edge today. What is it?" 

  The human had noticed too. Something had seemed off, but they didn't know why, and neither did Sans. "...*sigh* you... really want to help...?" "Of course bro. Just tell me how. I promise I'll try to help in anyway I can." "... You can help... BY PICKING UP YOUR FRIGGIN' SOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  

  The human had to put their face in the snow to quiet their laughter, which they didn't mind since they were used to the cold. Sans however looked horrified. "P-Paps. What did you just make me agree to?!" "Picking up your sock. Anyway, I'll be up ahead at my station. And as for your work... put a little more BACKBONE into it! Nyeh heh heh!!! Oh! And by the way, you promised."  

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now