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"You brought me here? But if you did, then how come you didn't know who I was?" "You didn't let me finish. I brought you here, UNINTENTIONALLY." The human stood there with a confused look staring at Ink. "... You want me to explain... don't you?" "Please do." "Alright. But this might take a while, so you might want to sit down." Then, with a snap of his fingers, Ink made a chair appear for the human to sit down in.

"Okay, now where do I start again...? Oh yeah. SO! As you already know, my name is Ink. I guard and watch over all of the AU's, -Alternate Universes- and It's my job to make sure people like ErRor don't destroy them. Are you with me so far?" The human nodded.

"Great. ErRor has the ability of AU destruction. He also is really good at using puppets. But anyway, I was watching over the Original Undertale, when I saw ErRor trying to break inside of it. Good thing I was watching when I was. All that Static that was appearing? That was ErRor. And the Circle of Light that appeared? Well, my plan was to go directly to where you were, but when I turned around to go, my scarf must've hit a switch, that released a Save pod. Very coincidentally, you were standing right in the middle of the screen, which the Save Pods automatically lock onto. Did I lose ya?"

The human took a very small amount of time to process this, and after simply shook their head. "Anyway, once the Circle found you and started to bring you back, I saw the Circle come back, but I couldn't see who was in it. From this point, you had started falling, and... well you remember everything from that point."

"Huh. Okay, I understand everything (Thank turnips.) But there is one thing I am still confused on." "What's that?" "What are the AU's?" Ink had really wanted to facepalm, but decided not to, since the human was their guest.

"Well, if we sat here and talked about it, you might never get up again." The human sat there with a disappointed look, because they really wanted to know. "But I can SHOW you them." The humans face completely lit up as Ink had said this. "That'sevenbettercomeonlet'sgoalreadyPLEASE!!!!!" "Woah. Calm down at least... although, I can see why you would be that excited. Dream did the EXACT same thing. And the AU's are amazing. Alright, I'll stop talking about it. Let's go!"

Ink lead the human to the middle of the abyss, where there was a hidden hatch. "Hey human" Ink said. "Watch this..." Ink waved his hand upwards, opening the hatch. When it opened, a large chamber appeared out of it, that when it was fully out, the door automatically opened. Ink went inside, motioning the human to follow. They did, and after they stepped in, the door closed. "Hey Ink?" the human said. After they said that, Ink cringed again. "Oh sorry! Wait wait wait... Hey Ink?" "Yeah?" "Who's Dream? Is he a alternate Sans like you?" "Yep. In fact, he's my Partner. I gave him the job of watching ErRor to see what he's up to, to make sure he doesn't try anything. And so far, it's going well."

Ink pressed a few buttons on the Control Panel, and suddenly the chamber whirred to life. A few seconds later, the machine instantly warped over to the AU Watchpost, as the sign above the door said, when the door to the Chamber opened. "We're here!" Ink said as he got out. He started walking up to the door to the AU Watchpost, when he realized the human hadn't gotten out yet.

"Human?" Ink went back to the Chamber to see why the human hadn't gotten out yet. They were lying on the ground holding on for dear life. "What are you doing?" "Why. In the name of Pizza and Undertale. Does this thing. Go. so. FAST?!?!" "Well, I don't really like slow things. So, I rigged the machine to move at 5000x the speed it was supposed to. I can rig it to go even faster, but then side effects like Life-Skip might happen. Life-Skip meaning you skip through years of your life. And this would have no effect on me and Dream, but you... well, you would probably be Scarred for life."

"Huh. Okay, I've calmed down. Let's go!" The human stepped out of the Chamber, following Ink over to the Watchpost. Ink opened the door, and let the human go in first. "Thanks!" "Don't mention it." When the human stepped inside, it was no longer the white abyss. It was now a multi-colored Bunker looking area with cameras all looking in the places that looked like Undertale places, just in different looking zones. On the top of the machines with the cameras on them, were labels of the places. One had a red version of snowdin and it was labelled 'Underfell'. 

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now