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The human walked for about half an hour, until they saw a ice cream person. "I don't understand why these aren't selling," said the ice cream person. "It's the perfect weather for something cold! *Sad Sigh*" "*Ahem*" "Huh?" The human was standing there listening to the ice cream person. When he saw them standing there, his face lit up. "Oh! A customer! Hello! Would you like to purchase some Nice-Cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Now just 15 G!" "Sure! Two please." The Nice-Cream Guy reached in his cooler and pulled out two Nice-Creams.

"Thank you!" "You're welcome! Have a smile-tastic day!!" Once the human bought the Nice-Creams, they went into their inventory. "Okay. Time to move on." The human moved a little bit further in the place they were in, and there was a LARGE area of ice, and a snowball. "(Oh yeah! Ball! Man, when I played this game it was SO FRICKIN' DIFFICULT!!! But! I found out how to work it.)" The human kicked the snowball around slowly, until they made it all the way to the hole at the end of the area of ice.

"Yes!" said the human when the snowball went into the hole in the ground. Just then, a dark red flag came out of the ground where the hole was. The human went over to it to see what it said. "BRAVERY, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, PERSEVERANCE, JUSTICE, INTEGRITY, and DETERMINATION." "Huh," said the human. "I always knew this flag existed, I just never knew how to get it. Welp, I did it." The human was just about to walk away, when they saw something else written on the flag. They went back to it to see what it was.

"Hmm... that's really tiny writing. I don't even know if I'll be able to read it." The human squinted their eyes, and saw what the extra word was. "Wisdom." The human stood there completely shocked and almost passed out right there.

  "No. Way. (D-D-Did the g-game just ADD m-m-m-my soul to it?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?! OHMAHGASH THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!)" The human sat there doing a mini celebration to themself, while everyone in the area was just staring at them. When the human stopped, they noticed the crowd around them, at a loss for words. 

 "Uhhh... ... ... H-Hi, people. I was just, uh... you know... umm... d-doing a mini celebration... for umm... no reason... heh heh... " The monsters stared at the human for a little while longer, then just shrugged and continued walking. 

"... That was close... " The human had noticed someone back at the top of the ice area, so they went back up there. Standing there was a very familiar face. "Hey Sans!" said the human. "'Sup kid." said Sans. "You already know what I'm gonna say, but I might as well say it again. Besides, it's a fun line."

"You wouldn't by chance want any fried snow would ya? Only 5 G" Sans finished that sentence grinning wider than usual. The human replied with a 'Let's-just-get-this-over-with friendly version' face. "Sure Sans." "Did I say 5 G? I meant 50 G." "Sure Sans." "Really? How 'bout 500?" "Sure Sans." "5000?" "SURE SANS." "Oh, that's too bad. It doesn't look like you have that much on you."  

  Sans was smiling even wider now, while the human looked slightly annoyed. "Yeah yeah. Has anything I'm not aware of happened?" "Nah, you're pretty caught up on everything. Well, Paps is getting bored waiting on you to go through his puzzles." "Oh. Really?" "Yeah." "Oh. Okay, I won't stay in the same place for long then. One of his puzzles is right after this room right?" "Uh... no. ya gotta go a bit farther first. But I understand if you still wanna look around anyway. You never expected to be in the game. I can just tell Papyrus you're on your way." "I would appreciate if you did. Thanks." "No prob kid. Later." "Bye Sans."  

There was an area behind Sans, so the human went to go look at that. Behind him was a small place with two house/sentry looking things. One said "His." And the other said "Hers." There was also a sign in between the house/sentry points, and it said :" White Smell: Snowman rating. Can become Yellow Rating. Blue Smell: Puppy rating. A small puppy. Green Smell: Human rating. Destroy at all costs!!!"

  The human read the last one a few times over again, and just shrugged and walked off. They went back out the way they came, went all the way back to the bottom of the ice area, and this time went to the right. Within that area, there was a larger version of the house/sentry points from before, and a sign that read: "Absolutely NO MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!"  

  The human decided to humor the sign, and stood completely still for about 5 minutes. But at that point, the human got bored, and decided to move in front of the house/sentry point. At about the when the human was about halfway in front of it, they were stopped (They couldn't have moved forward if they wanted to.), and then, a dog appeared from the bottom of the... thing.  

  "Did something move?" said the dog. "Was it my imagination?" The human just kept still (By choice) waiting for the dog to finish their talk to himself. "I can only see moving things... If something did move, for example A HUMAN, I'll make sure it never moves again!!!"  

  The room had gotten dark, and the human was in yet another fight. The dialogue box said "Doggo confronts you." The human had the same options as before: FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY. The human chose ACT. Their options were CHECK, and PET. They chose CHECK.  

"Doggo 10 ATK 9 DEF This dog has an attack which introduces a new mechanic of the game. Hobbies include= Squirrels." It was now Doggo's turn. "I wonder if it will move..." said doggo. Suddenly, a blue sword that had the width to fill the entire box, started to come at the human's soul. The human had remembered the sign that said not to move, and that's what they did when it came at them. The human took no damage because they were still. Once the attack was over, it was the human's turn.

  "(Wow,)" thought the human. "(Seeing the attack come at you really makes you want to move... and I can't find any actual reasoning of HOW the attack went through me... maybe it's an illusion or light or something. Like MTT's disco light attack... meh. I don't want to spend too much time thinking about this. Hmm... maybe the best way for me to plan out what I'm gonna do in this fight, is NOT to talk out loud, but think stuff instead, because that dog WILL see me, and WILL NOT hesitate to decapitate me. Maybe.)"  

  "Doggo cannot find the object." appeared in the dialogue box. When the human saw that, they went into the ACT menu, and chose PET. "What?!" said Doggo. "I was pat, by something that isn't there?!?!" Regardless of the fact that Doggo couldn't find anything, he attacked again anyway, just to be sure.  

  The fight would have normally stopped by the time Doggo said that, but it didn't, probably another glitch from that human being in the game. And since the human wasn't expecting that, they took some serious damage. "OWOWOWOWOWO!!! OH MY TURNIPS THAT HURT!!" The human started dancing around in pain from the attack. Then after about 10 seconds of THAT... well, bad/weird things happened.  

  "OW. What is my HP after that?" It was at 12/20. "WTF?!?! WHY DOES HE DO SO MUCH DAMAGE?!?!? (... wait. Was I just moving.) *Facepalm*" It was at that point, that Doggo just suddenly started to summon random GIANT swords (Both white and blue) and just started to charge at where he last saw the human.  

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now