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"ErRor." Ink said. "Heh." said Error. "That's MY NaMe DOn'T weaR it OuT. yA know, IF It wa-wasn't for thIS CapiTAL and LowerCase SpeECh thing I haVE, YoU PRObablY wouLDN't evEN have NOtiCed m-Me." Error's voice glitched a few times during that sentence. "Nah." said Ink. "I would've sensed your presence anyway." "ErRor!" said Dream. "What could you possibly want this time?"

"And what business do you have with the human?" Ink added to the end of Dreams sentence. "NOw Why WOulD I telL yOu soMeTHing like Th-tHat?" "Villains always have reasons for doing crimes." Ink said. "And ViLlains dON't ExplaIN themselves TO THe pErsoN THat CaugHT Them. ANd SiNcE when aM i cOnsideRED a VillAIN?"

"Gee, I dunno," said Dream. "Maybe ever since you have been destroying worlds!" "aH, but haVE i nOt also cr-cReatED wOrLdS?" "No," replied Ink. "No you have not. All you do is destroy worlds, and you CAN'T create worlds. People like the human create the AU's, not you!" "Ink, You ha-HAve NO IDEA hoW siCk I am of hEArinG you Sa-Say that..." "TOO BAD. I'm just telling you the truth. YOU DON'T HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE AU'S." "Okay. enOugH is ENOUGH."

Error snapped his fingers, and suddenly him, Ink, Dream, and the human were all transported back into the white abyss. Then, out of nowhere, Blue strings appeared on the ends of Errors fingers. When Ink saw this, he reached on his back and pulled out his Paintbrush. "Dream." said Ink, not turning around to face him. "I am counting on you, to make sure the human stays safe. This is going to be too dangerous for you, AND the human. Both of you need to find somewhere safe. Got it?" "Aw, come on!" said Dream. "I can handle anything you can handle! Why not let me FIGHT?"

"Dream... That was an ORDER." Ink said now turning to face Dream. Dream could see that Ink was very serious, and nodded. "Ink." said the human. It was the first thing they said ever since Error showed up. "Let me FIGHT alongside you." "Absolutely not. You have NO idea what ErRor is capable of." "Maybe, but he has no idea what I'M capable of." "Even if that's the case, ErRor is pretty strong. I've only barely been able to beat him every time."

"...YOU also don't know what I'm capable of." "... ... ... You aren't gonna go anywhere, are you." "Nope." "... FINE. But as soon as the situation seems too dangerous, I'm warping you out of here. Dream, I will need you to keep an eye on your brother. Make sure he's not doing anything too bad. With Cross on his side, really bad things can happen, and while I'm in the middle of a FIGHT, I'm not gonna be able to watch. Can you do that?"

"Y-Yes. I'll go now." And so, Dream turned and left, and the human stepped up to be beside Ink. Now it was Ink Sans and the Human VS. Error Sans. Suddenly, the room grew dark as it had done with all the previous enemies, and now two souls were in the box-Ink and the Humans- While Error stood there, still colored for some reason.

Ink's soul was multi colored, and the human's was still Brown.

"Brown huh? That's a new one." said Ink. "Yeah..." said the human. "It's for WISDOM apparently. Okay, How about this: You handle the attacking, and I'll handle the what's weak against him and stuff. Good?" "Sounds like a plan." To start the fight off, it was the humans turn. The human went into the ACT menu and the options were CHECK, STARE, PUN, and SHOUT. They chose CHECK.

"ErRor Sans 50 ATK 50 DEF IT IS UNCLEAR HOW HE IS STILL HERE... WEAKNESS: FIRE. STRENGTH: PHYSICAL ATTACKS." "Okay, it says he's weak against fire attacks, but is resistant to physical attacks... I hope these don't change over time... Ink! Get ready to use a FIRE attack that isn't physical." "Got it." Ink closed his eyes, and put his hands together. About 5 seconds later, they opened. The eye that had a star in it, was now a flame, and his entire outfit was colored red, including his paintbrush, but the paintbrush started to act like a fire. It was now Ink's turn.

HIS options were FIGHT, PAINT, ITEM, AND MERCY. He went into the PAINT menu, and the attacks were fire related. They were Firewall, Heater, Brain Burn, and Flamethrower. He chose Firewall. "Hey ErRor!!" said Ink. "WhAt?" He replied. "Looks like you've got a virus... Maybe you should recheck your FIREWALL!"

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now